The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Animal Pronouns: We/Ours/Whatever

Lizanne Flynn Season 5 Episode 18

The Animals say that by moving the We/Ours of species' Soul Energy before individual gender identity and sexual orientation, there would be much more freedom for everyone. So that we might be who we are truly meant to be in this lifetime. With the safeguard of We/Ours in place, the "whatever" of each being's experience would be just that, an afterthought.

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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."

I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul in their planetary experience. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that 

the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval 

to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the Animals' iView podcast.


I'm going to deviate from the announced subject of a message from Animal Ambassador Kestrel today because something else has come forward with a bit more insistence and Kestrel has graciously

agreed to step aside or rather lift off and soar towards another day of working with us. I also want to keep an eye on what seems to be important for listeners of this podcast to hear. So far, the podcasts

that are the most often downloaded are the ones that have to do with human experience and interestingly enough, our processing of said human experience. So the ones like "Feeling Emotional" and

the "4 F's Plus One of Freeze, Fight, Flight, Faint and Forward", etc. The insistence that I was feeling had to do with the relevance of the topic of pronouns as well as keeping true to the intention of this

podcast and allowing Animals to lead. In doing so, we can lead by following their lead which may sound like a a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, a phrase that was coined by Winston

Churchill back in 1939 when he was talking about the interests of Russia. Lead by following is a term used in the Japanese martial art of aikido which translated means - "the way of unifying (with) life 

energy ", or "the way of harmonious spirit". You might recognize one of the characters in the kanji script of aikido, that being ki, or life force energy. The cool thing about Aikido is that is a defensive

technique used to defuse an attack by harmonizing first with the energy coming towards the attackee by the attacker. Imagine if someone is coming towards you with their arm raised in an attack, with

or without a weapon. The weapon is an extension of the energy and the intention behind the action is the thought or the emotion causing the intention to act and the choice to attack.

You wouldn't likely grab the knife or other weapon, you would go for the power behind that weapon which is the arm itself. In Aikido, you might grab the wrist or arm and instead of shoving it away 

which creates an energy impasse of sorts, you would turn in toward the attacker and allow that arm's energy to flow through you as you bring your body closer to the attacker. Their weapon then

becomes your weapon because you're using their energy against them by first harmonizing and leaning into their intention and then by guiding their energy against them. In this way, it becomes a

dance move, sort of, where you protect your body by curling in toward theirs and then transfer the lead of their action to you. Thus, the lead by following. You're following their intention and working

purely with their energy vs. against it. 


The other part of the insistence was that my interest has been piqued lately - for whatever reason - both about my personal use of pronouns and the choices thereof as well as and probably naturally 

so given my greater identity as a Human, how that resonates with other Earthlings on our planet. I usually don't know why these things float up into my line of vision, and I also don't really care about

finding out why. All I care about is how it feels to me and my path now because those are the things that matter most to me at this moment. As we move through what the Animals have to say

particularly about gender or gender identity, their perspective is based mostly on procreation in my sense as far as gender goes. Meaning, that what they do even as far as switching or projecting gender

identity is because of procreation in the form of reduced competition for mating and better access to territory. In other words, it feels like it's about survival of their species. If the males have less

competition for females by appearing to be females, they also might avoid attacks by older males who are competing for the same females. Conversely, they might use this more female-like

appearance to surprise attack these older males thereby ridding their mating pool of one less adversary. The species plural to which the article in the podcast notes refers is Songbird and there was

a study - because of course there would be -  in which some young male songbirds were painted to look like older males and found that the painted birds gained territory more quickly than those with 

female-like plumage. So the phenomenon that we are talking about is called delayed plumage maturation wherein male songbirds delay the growing of their usually more colored feathers all in an 

effort to gain a procreative advantage over another male. In itself, it's kind of crazy to think about right? To be able to delay or halt for a season or a reason your genetic encoding so that what shows on

the outside hides your true gender and/or gives the false impression that you are a gender other than the one you actually are. Again, for other Animal species, these are done for procreation purposes

to have the best possible advantage wherein your genes have the highest success rate in being passed along to the next generation. Which if we pull on that thread, makes it an individual

decision of a single member of a type of Songbird. And perhaps we in human land might also say - well, who says this Songbird gets to choose themselves as the goddess's supposed gift to the rest of

their species of Songbird? I can sense a bit of pushback from a contrast in human-centric thinking where we might hold judgment about their choices, right? And then again, in checking in with

the collective of Songbird, I get a shrug of feathered shoulders as if to say - "Who cares when the plumage matures? Who cares who's doing this and who's not? What difference does it make?" 


There's maybe another thread of human-centric judgment that I feel that might say "Well, if every male Songbird chose this every season, there wouldn't be enough identified as male Songbirds

males to procreate with the female

Songbirds and wouldn't that create a problem?" Again, there's another shrug of feathered shoulders and a bit of a rolled-eye emoji that says "We just don't worry about those things. Because each of

us always holds the rest of us in mind when making our choices. We trust that the balance and partnership will be maintained and not only that but enhanced and empowered as well." I might note that

you may have felt a bit of constriction that came in when the human-centric structures were imposed, I know I did, or more accurately, my body did. Interestingly, there are other species who 

display what is labeled as transgender identity. Snakes, Lizards, Beetles, and Fish, 

to name a few, exhibit what science has labeled “transgender” behaviors in which males imitate females to gain advantages. I disagree with the label of "transgender" as applied to behaviors. To 

me, it's similar to individuals who dress up in drag maybe on the regular, and behave as if they were a different gender whereas transgender is a whole and complete identity that is different than the

gender with which one was born. And maybe a cisgender individual wants to perform in drag every once in a while or a gay individual wants to do the same, or perhaps cross-dress in a different 

gender's clothing simply because of how it makes them feel. There's one European bird of prey, the marsh harrier, in which 40% of adult males look and act like females. This species is highly territorial, 

and female-like males can avoid maintaining their own territories while sneaking onto other males’ territories to mate with the resident females. The ruff, a European shorebird, is the only other 

bird species known to have permanent female mimics. Male ruffs don’t attract females by guarding territories; instead, they gather to display in communal areas known as leks. 

Females who visit the lek can choose potential mates from among displaying males. As a result, most male ruffs have evolved elaborate plumage to show off… except for a few, which look 

exactly like the (much drabber) females. All of these species do this cross-dressing as we might think of it for the purposes of procreation vs. human purposes of entertainment when we exhibit 

behaviors that are opposite our own gender identity. We display "plumage" in accordance with what we like how we feel and what we enjoy doing that has nothing to do with making a human 

baby. Yet it is our own species who are so fearful and threatened by this "display" of "other" by another that we have a horrendous history of violence against those who are merely different. How

did we get to be so anxious about another individual or group of individuals who are "other"? I think that tells us something about where our own identity rests vs. say Songbird. Because they are

firmly rooted in "we and ours" that leaves every individual free to express who they are individually. You may be thinking - wait - what?! Do you mean it's possible to have both individual expression and

identity of gender because our species' evolution with that has nothing to do with procreation? 


We haven't even gotten to the Animals who can change their gender and species that have more than two genders. Clownfish, Northern Cardinals, Frogs, Green Sea Turtles, and Snails

are among 11 different species who can change their gender. And some species are born hermaphrodites, meaning they have the reproductive organs of the binary category male and female. These

are due to perhaps environmental issues such as climate change where the unhatched egg has XY chromosomes and during the incubation period changes into XX chromosomes, so from male to

female. It is interesting to note that most of the examples of what researchers call deceptive sex signaling in animals are of males posing as females. The reverse—females that imitate males—is a 

much rarer phenomenon. The aggression typically associated with male behavior may be to blame as stated by the article in the podcast notes. Male mimics do exist in some species, however. 

In hummingbirds, male mimicry by females is 

more common than the reverse, and in hyenas, some females even develop male-like genitalia. Interestingly, in both these species, females guard territories and are aggressive toward other females.

Talk about your freedom for individual expression and yet we don't see the procreation or gender identity or expression police of any species going around and murdering or brutalizing or terrorizing

or creating such an atmosphere of intimidation and fear within a species that they don't feel completely free to be themselves. To paraphrase John Lennon - Imagine all the species, living for today.


It's important to note that sexual identity and sexual orientation are independent components of a human's sexual identity and develop independently of each other in utero as well. The 

equipment part of the reproductive organs develops first with sexual orientation in the brain happening later. Because they do not develop together means that they are not always congruent or in 

harmony with

each other. Certainly, it's also possible that many of us go through stages on our life paths where we try on a different sexual orientation while others of us can attest they have always felt attracted

to one gender or the other or both. How is it that this independent severing if you will that we start out with became so tied to condemnation and fear of each other individually? One has to look no

further than the history of human evolution where we consistently and continually created an "us" vs. "them". Clearly, the fear in the past present, and future of "other" is a projection of the fear that

the "us" had of the "them" because it was rooted and remains so rooted in the individual. Our species is a herd animal and so we gather in herds of similar biologically ordered groups. That's not to

say that individuals aren't free to have individual friendships with the "other" or that groups are non-fearful of other groups. And to drill down even further because we use the ending of "phobia" often

when referencing these fears such as transphobia, homophobia, etc. By definition, a phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling, or animal. Phobias are more 

pronounced than fears. They develop when a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object. As our history of the past, our relevant present, and dreaded future

has indicated the very essence of phobias is about sharing this exaggeration with others. Because again, herd mentality - literally - occurs which further threatens individual freedom. And underneath,

we all know that.


The constriction that my body felt when thinking about the human-centric judgment of Songbird's gender choices is what usually happens when I don't

think/feel in human Animal experience and I think/feel in human being experience - big difference. One feels constrictive and the other expansive which was also a part of my trying on for size which 

pronouns I wanted to use for myself. 

The "She/Her/Hers" felt constrictive and the "She/We/Ours" felt expansive although to be honest, the "She/They" also felt a degree or three more in alignment with

the Animals in general. And as if I was excluding myself from being a member of the human species and thinking of my resonance with Animals in general albeit from my human experience and as an

individual member awareness first. It's a subtle difference and still, it's an indication of the indoctrination a being in human experience has of putting their individual awareness or alignment as primary

and of the collective alignment as secondary. Because even the "they" separate as in "us" and "them". One could also go with "They/We/Ours" in the cases of nonbinary identity in human experience 

and perhaps even further with the - Whatever, We/Ours - that the Animals propose. Because the "whatever" frees all of us to be "whatever" in our sexual identification and sexual orientation and as

other species would chime in with "as long as you hold space for the security of each other individually, the "we and ours" happens partly of its own accord and generation after generation must ensure

that this is so for the intended evolution of human Animal as it is for all other species. You must lead by following the lead of each other united in unfettered gender identity and gender sexual

orientation. You are each meant to be celebrated and not shamed or judged for your expression of self. Only in this way can you reach the we/ours where we await". And at least, that's how the 

Animals see it. 



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for upcoming events, the starting date of courses in The Animals' iView Academy, and online psychic fairs. The episodes of this podcast are available

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Tune in in two weeks when we might have a message from the next Animal Ambassador and we might also visit the topic of Angels both from the human-centric perspective as well as from

the Angels themselves. Just like this week's podcast, I'm gracefully allowing the subject to be switched up on me and I thank you for your understanding with that in advance. This is the way of

energy, of course, the only constant being change. 

This has been the Animals' iView podcast - see you next time.