The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
163 episodes
Birds of a Feather: Medicine and (medical) Intuition
Like Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons are linked in the Raptor family of Birds, there are extended feathers of Energy between human medicine and medical Intuition. Raptors are apex predators and partner with their prey to sustain themselves and the s...
Season 6
Episode 22

Re-Queening, Cloning, and Other Soul-less Science
The quote for today is "Science rushing in where Animals fear to tread" or something along those lines. Just because humans can do something via our "advanced" technology does not mean we should. Cue cloning Black Footed Ferret from the 1988 re...
Season 6
Episode 21

The Yawn of Yin and Yang
As far as numbers go, there simply aren't enough even with Googol-plex, to encompass the Energy contained in one simple circle of seemingly opposite partners. Each has an opposite ambassador of sorts (the small dots) to help us buy a clue about...
Season 6
Episode 20

If Your "S-uality" Ain't Got This Thing, There Can't Be No Swing
We tend to put a middleman/person between Body and Soul which is the human construct of Mind, or it's often in front of the other two. The Animals hate to break it to you, but if your spirituality ain't got the body along for the ride, then it'...
Season 6
Episode 19

From Soup to Nuts: Unified Diversity Sans "Isms"
The Animals say that we've created diverse sub-species within the overall human Animal species that don't serve our collective good. We're more apt to stay in those 'pseudo-species' where it's comfortable and known to us, rather than reach beyo...
Season 6
Episode 18

It's Driving Them Batty: Taxidermy for Sale Online
The Animals say that our history of hanging the heads of our enemies at the gates of our homes is at least more transparent than the current "sustainably sourced" bodies of Bat for sale online. No human needs the body of Bat or the head of any ...
Season 6
Episode 17

Your Warm 'N' Fuzzy, Vicious Animal Self: 'Shadowling' Unmasked
Life is supposed to be a game, after all, and we need to look no further than the games for children to lead the way. Between the board games of Candy Land and Shadows in the Forest lies the exquisite partnership and balance within unified dual...
Season 6
Episode 16

Dinos In The Sky Aren't Birdbrained
No human likes being called names, nor does any Animal. It's especially harmful when we cast aspersions on entire species, such as Bird, by calling others 'birdbrained'. Bird says, "If you were actually to become 'birdbrained', then we'd be mor...
Season 6
Episode 15

Horse Says, "Mind Your Pockets of Grief and Get Back On!"
We have a lengthy ancestral relationship with Horse as a 'beast of burden', and we also have a tangential path of Horse as 'partner'. And while we may know quite a bit about Horse through taxonomical hierarchy (Dog is used as an example), there...
Season 6
Episode 14

The Neurodivergence of Earth: You're in Good Company - Part Two
Rather than be boxed up and set aside with the label 'not fitting in', the Earth requests your presence in Energy. You are here to be seen as no less than the rhythm of the Elements when they respond over time to the choices made by every speci...
Season 6
Episode 13

Your Neurodivergence Superpower: The Spectrum of Energy Capacity
To thrive on this planet you must experience your abilities beyond the labels that have been put upon you such as HSP, ADD, ADHA, autism, etc. And to advocate from a different perspective for those in your care with similar labels. It's no coin...
Season 6
Episode 12

AC Myth #1: It's 'Their' Problem
Think of your Animal companion's behavior as a mirror that shows your energetic fingerprint as well as theirs. They may be reacting to your actions that have unintended consequences for them and you may be getting frustrated that they're not 'b...
Season 6
Episode 11

"The Best Way Out is Through": Anti s/Stoicism
It's always interesting to see how our good ideas get warped via implementation in human experience. Take Stoicism for example. The Animals can endorse the original tenet that it's our judgment of events that trips us and all Animals up and tha...
Season 6
Episode 10

Death, Transition, Rebirth: A Mobius Strip of Energy
Round and round we go, where we stop the Universe knows. Which is as good a rhyme or reason as any, to follow the feel of the Energy rather than any words we want to put to wherever on the Mobius strip of Energy we are, at any point in time whi...
Season 6
Episode 9

Sainthood, Perhaps; Personhood, Never!
Perhaps it's the quest for the Soul of Animals that we're after in our persistent attempts to give them our rights. What we 'name' we can consider 'conquered' and 'ours'. We want to 'right' the wrong of Animal cruelty and abuse yet giving them ...
Season 6
Episode 8

Feeling Soul-less? Live Your Inner Star
At times, we can feel soul-less or ennui plus plus which is to say oockety (a technical Energy term) and quite uncomfortable. We've been indoctrinated into being in certain ways which leaves no room for the contrast that illuminates the light. ...
Season 6
Episode 7

Herd Animals: "What Purpose Do We Serve?"
We often look at Animals in a Herd as being one large Energetic fingerprint. Yet we wouldn't dream of looking at a Herd of humans in the same way with our diversity that screams to be noticed. So we say "It's a Herd of cows" rather than "It's a...
Season 6
Episode 6

Rewilding Ourselves Through Nature: You Do You
The wild aspect of ourselves, aka, the apex predator part of ourselves, desperately needs an outlet for expression and a sustainable Wild mirror in our environment. In today's podcast, there are several directions you could go all dependi...
Season 6
Episode 5

Is It Your Imagination or Universal Guidance? RSVP or 'Again'!
Translated from the French, RSVP is "respond if you please"; children have their way of asking for a repeat of something which is "again!", especially if they're having fun. It's no coincidence that "clair" is French for clear as in clear heari...
Season 6
Episode 4

What Would Your Power Plant Be?
The title is tongue in cheek, of course, because all of the Plants would love to partner with you, just as all the Animals do. No "power" or "totem" Plant/Tree/Animal is necessary for your form to follow its function on Earth per the planet's d...
Season 6
Episode 3

Bandwidth Narrowing in Aging for All Species
Our vocalizations/language have so many generation-specific idioms and slang, that it's no wonder other species can't understand us. Leave it to the Animals to provide the perfect metaphor for the body's aging, when we may not understand the re...
Season 6
Episode 2

Your Unified Duality: Thinking About Emotions
We're taught as human Animals to hold the brain above the heart and to elevate thoughts above emotions. It may sound counterintuitive, but the more you think about what you're feeling and why, the closer you can shift to a more comfortable midd...
Season 6
Episode 1

One Fight Away From Sitting at the Kids' Table
We sometimes don't see our available options during the holi-daze, especially during family get togethers. You get to choose to follow the lead of your body and excuse yourself should it all get to be a bit too much. Join me over at the kids' t...
Season 5
Episode 24

Unconditional Love Doesn't Mean Zero Boundaries
As sentient beings, your "pet" is entitled to have boundaries in your relationship with them that are respected and honored. Just as you want them to respect and honor your boundaries. When any relationship on Earth has good boundaries, those i...
Season 5
Episode 23

The Trickster Energy of AI: Outcome TBD
AI in this case means Artificial Intelligence and because it's trickster Energy, it could also mean human-Animal Intelligence. After all, we created AI in our world to do good things for our species; what about other species? Crow thinks its ou...
Season 5
Episode 22