The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
AC Myth #1: It's 'Their' Problem
Think of your Animal companion's behavior as a mirror that shows your energetic fingerprint as well as theirs. They may be reacting to your actions that have unintended consequences for them and you may be getting frustrated that they're not 'behaving'. Everyone in a shared Energy environment contributes to what's identified as 'their' behavior problem. And everyone deserves to be heard when it comes to solving what may be a red flag gone unnoticed. Put on your human big-person pants and deal!
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a canine massage therapist and Reiki Master Teacher. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
As the story usually goes, there I was sailing along and heading into Monday with the topic of the superpower of neurodivergence percolating in my brain and me feeling good about how the Animals and I were going to turn the light on in that particular room for all of our listeners. When all of a sudden - kapow. Well, it wasn't a ka-pow exactly, it was more of a "wait, what?!" that came across my professional landscape. And as I am my product so to speak, every time this happens which is usually once in a blue moon that according to the interwebs is once every 2-3 years and honestly longer than that, the pinch that I felt was personal. And I asked myself the question - if this was a widget that I made and someone bought would I feel that pinch less? And honestly, the answer is likely no, although maybe a little bit less. When I work in Energy with any Earthling, it takes a vulnerability on my part and on their part as well which is something the human Animal doesn't much care for in most situations. We like feeling strong and especially in the arena of animal communication which is the AC part of the podcast title, we like to be right. Hence, the other part of the AC myth title - it's their problem as in the behavior problem of our Animal companions. I've said before that easily 85% of the client questions I get in the area of companion animals are behavior-based. As in why are they doing X and how can I stop it and why won't they do Y and how can I get that to happen. And you know, sometimes that how can I is literal as in "Can you tell them to stop doing X and start doing Y"? Believe me I don't really want that kind of power; no one should have that. And sometimes that "I" is more of the Queen's we and if that "we" doesn't happen and pretty dang quick, I'll get contacted again and I'll hear "Well, we've done this and we've done that" and I'll feel like the other human knows they've kept up their end of the bargain and well, I must be at fault. And here's the thing and I'll label this caveat emptor - buyer beware and not from the standpoint of my service not being what it is you and your Animal companion need which in itself is a clue. I am serving both you and your Animal companion and if push comes to shove, I'm likely to come down on the side of your companion. Not because I don't like you or am finding fault with you. It's that as I follow the lead of the Animals I already know that their wisdom and path of compromise between the two of you is the best way forward by far. And because you as an AC neophyte don't likely have a clue just how much is revealed about yourself in this particular arena and definitely overall in the world of Energy. I think it's likely why we have cloaked ourselves in the human-centric structures that we have along with our belief systems that if it doesn't physically occur in our 3rd dimension it's not real and as well, we can hide those parts of ourselves that we don't want to reveal that gives away the full unified duality of our human experience. We'd much rather just continue to frolic in the light and all of its illusory glory. Heaven forbid if we actually have to face the contrast of our well-intended actions only to find out that the consequences they held are exactly the opposite of what we wanted as an outcome in this all-important relationship.
This personal pinch in my 'wait, whaat?' is also vested in my advocacy for the Animals who I serve and if I'm not careful, I can switch into the stereotypical Mother Bear role really fast and of course, that doesn't serve anyone. It's my role to equally serve all species in a home environment because if I am unsuccessful in getting the human client to follow my lead and the lead of their Animal companions, all is for naught. The behavior then on both sides of the equation becomes more entrenched and emotions only higher and more frenetic because respectful understanding of each partner hasn't been reached. The denial can be so frightfully strong in humans via our own internal and external belief systems. Our blindfolds about the reality of Energy and how almost ridiculously easy it is for Animals to see what needs to occur in order to have their behavior shifted can certainly put a dent in our normally shiny and well-polished armor. It is a humbling thing to be sure to have your Animal companion weigh in on your latest love interest only to have them acknowledge the red flags flying everywhere that you have so studiously ignored. The same goes for a work situation where you're bringing home the irritation you feel toward a colleague or boss and have that spill out into your frustration toward your companion only because you feel safe unloading it with them. Hopefully not the literal 'kick the dog' scenario of unloading on those closest to you and who are completely not deserving of your misplaced anger which is a latent defense mechanism in case you didn't know. You feel attacked, you feel vulnerable when attacked, you don't feel safe about defending yourself so you wait to feel safe for that defensive reaction to resurface. Oh yes, your Animal companion knows it all, sees it all, feels it all, hears it all, etc. Which is why again human clients can feel caught off guard and perhaps defensive should I bring up any of these scenarios as to why your canine companion is now all of a sudden it seems reactive on lead when you go on your walks together. That's how very real your thoughts and emotions are to them in terms of tangibles in the world of Energy. I've often thought that maybe we should have the bubbles over our heads like in the cartoons that reveal our thoughts and emotions - imagine how much more sincere our interactions with each other might be. Then Animals would say - phew! My job here is done so I can chillax more and just worry about chasing the spicy sky raisins and taking naps out in the yard under Tree. I'm hearing a huge collective sigh that Dog in particular is fond of and we are too of hearing that same sigh of contentment.
We get in our own way, we humans, with parsing unified duality into just duality when it comes to the problem of the behavior of Animals. Another case in point this week was my standing up for the human-defined invasive species of Starling and if you look back at my podcasts of 2023, you'll find one about Starlings and their message of listen. A local FB bird group to which I belong was up in arms and really complaining about Starlings, their predatory behavior of stealing nests from other birds and stealing food which drives off other species of birds. Long story short, they're invasive because humans brought them over from Europe in 1890 and 1891 because a small group in New York wanted to have every kind of bird in Shakespeare's time - that'd be the British Shakespeare and the European Starling - here in the US as well. It is absolutely true that most species we deem to be invasive are labeled so because of human action. Welp, in this group that mattered naught. They wanted to complain about this annual migration of Starling and openly advocate for killing every member of this species, so harmful they perceive their influence to be. So I educated them about the history of Starling, the factor of the number 7 in their murmurations, and the history of the number 7 - unity between physical and spiritual - that humans have defined. That seemed to change the tune for some of them and I'd like to think broadened their scope of the unified duality that exists and not just the contrast that we humans absolutely insist on projecting onto other species and each other. Chances are good that if something about an Animals behavior gets under your skin you'd be well advised to look no further than why that is a trigger for you and not at the behavior itself. In the case of Starling, I think it's the good old illusion of control. Sure doesn't everyone want a Lazuli Bunting, Pine Siskin, or Mountain Bluebird at their bird feeder? We can also parse the line between predator and prey and I notice that as well in this group. There will be posts about a raptor coming into the yard chasing out all of the other prettier birds which is honestly such an apt metaphor for the denial of our true nature of both predator and prey. How exactly did we get to lack so much introspection about our own selves and project it so strongly onto others? I'm hearing in my head and probably from the Animal collective that we all need a therapist!
And you know, I struggle with bringing up what I feel/sense might be a difficult and delicate subject. My clients hear all the time - let's see, how am I going to put this?! Because I want to make it as compassionate toward the human Animal as I am toward all other Animals. Because Animals don't have those filters, right? They greet each other by sniffing butts, they don't wear clothes letting everything all hang out and they also give each other more than the benefit of the doubt when escalating feedback, usually. First, there's the without claws fist whop on the end of the nose or the low growl at the back of the throat followed by the Elvis lip curl or several whops in succession, etc. And usually, that's enough for the first of the two partners in an interaction to go - whoa! My bad, I didn't know I was violating boundaries, and then again, they might try that a couple of times if they're young or just getting to know the other. They have their own guidelines and everyone knows the guidelines. So that begs the question - what are the guidelines for your Animals behavior and/or your behavior in your home? If you see a change in behavior do you ask yourself the question - okay, when did this change? If it's always been this way, why are you noticing it more now? Two different answers for two entirely different causes for the same shift in behavior. The first one means you need to think back to when the behavior changed and then look to see what in the environment - including you - changed around that same time. There's a very good chance the behavior is related to the change. Working longer hours? New love interest? Both mean less time spent with your companion Animal so one size does not fit all. When was their last vet visit? Are you keeping current with their annual check-ups and running your hands over their body at least once a week? This is where both Reiki and canine massage of some sort will give you a ton of information that your Animal can't. Have you made decisions about upcoming changes such as moving homes and/or adopting more Animals? You wouldn't keep a human family member in the dark about those kinds of significant changes, would you? Maybe you would think you're protecting them and I will tell you categorically, with your Animals, they already sense what's going to be changing. You represent all that is good and solid and loving in their world so why wouldn't you want to validate that Energy for them? Why wouldn't you want to say - "I know you've been feeling me get excited about our new home. Let me tell you about it and show you some pictures." Because if you want any upcoming shift - planned or not - to go smoothly, it behooves you to pay the eff attention and understand that you're hiding nothing from anyone where your Animals are concerned. Any reaction or behavior on their part can absolutely be mitigated and improved upon and met with neutrality and clarity on your part which in turn, lets them know that their emotions and thoughts about the flow of Energy in your shared world are embraced. We all know how quickly they can right themselves around once the information is shared with them - imagine you're telling your bestie what's going on - because the very last thing they want is any behavior on your part or theirs to be less than joyful during this brief lifetime together. And at least, that's how the Animals see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.