The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
Feeling Soul-less? Live Your Inner Star
At times, we can feel soul-less or ennui plus plus which is to say oockety (a technical Energy term) and quite uncomfortable. We've been indoctrinated into being in certain ways which leaves no room for the contrast that illuminates the light. So we don't know what to do with ourselves when this happens! We also tend to blame ourselves if 'things' aren't going perfectly which is a reflection of duality; it's good against bad. Your soul is a piece of a Star housed by your body; follow the body to feel better and get re-anchored by your inner Star.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a canine massage therapist and Reiki Master Teacher. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
While preparing this week's podcast I was futzing around with its title because I already knew I was being asked to address the feeling of more than ennui - such a fabulous word! - by definition - a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction, of more than slightly blue, out of sorts, etc. And not only because I was feeling ennui plus plus lately; that was also being mirrored in the journeys of my wonderful clients with whom I am privileged to partner. If it's an Animal communication session I always have extra help because it's rare that Animals feel ennui for any length of time. They find ways to get out of their ennui plus plus whether that's through asking a bestie to play with them, seeking out a cuddle, starting with the indoor parkour-style zoomies and other diversions. Because that's just it for them. They're always guided by how whatever they're feeling and thinking feels to their body and they're more than eager to follow its lead. Because it's an ennui plus plus the situations associated with that might include grief over a sibling or guardian who recently transitioned, being rehomed for any number of reasons, being surrendered to a shelter, etc. It's of note that I don't often encounter - if ever - an Animal whose ennui plus plus involves something with their health. To be sure they'll likely be feeling pain just like we do, fatigue, and loss of energy like we do. They don't have that emotional boomerang effect of an emotional reaction to their physical health. They see no need to 'fix' or 'heal' whatever is going on and are left to their own devices, like Animals in the wild, I think they would let Nature and the Universe take its course. That's not to say that they're not grateful when we intervene on their behalf to alleviate the pain, they tend to be more pragmatic about how the body as a vehicle for the soul functions on Earth and aren't reluctant to look their transition in the eye and step into its embrace.
I thought about using the words soul alientation which sounded dramatic even to me as a Capricorn because we do love a wee bit of drama at times! I thought about using the words soul death which wouldn't be accurate or any other combination of words that likely would have ended up not looking good on the YouTube channel title, optics being something to consider on social media, right? Honestly, the Universe's idea as direct of an Energy as that of the Animals - go figure - was soul alienation which I think certainly hits the nail on the head and I thought it was still a bit much. My perception is that we can be alienated from our soul Energy at times and yet it felt a bit clinical, I guess, if I were to use that word. I wanted to soften it a bit with the word 'feeling' Soul-less so that you all might have the thought of knowing that your soul, your inner star, as it were, can feel distant from you at times and especially during periods of ennui plus plus. Where nothing in your experience, your world seems like it's working right, that nothing is going your way, and that nothing good is ever going to come your way. True story - in one of my periods of feeling soul-less the clairaudient message was - "What makes you think nothing good is ever going to happen?" Which out of the blue like that is still one of those messages that I've written down and keep next to my bathroom mirror to look at from time to time during other periods of feeling soul-less. Because it reminds me that my vision of being in human experience is quite limited and it's best if I summon my courage and take my hands off the safety bar of the roller coaster ride of planet Earth. In other words, let the Universe take the wheel. In truth, I think that's the most challenging aspect of this tough gig known as Earth for us in human experience. We've limited ourselves tremendously through our evolution and instead of letting our soul paths illuminate and guide our evolution like other species have, we've instead chosen to cut our souls off from ourselves to a significant extent. Even though they continually make themselves known through our experience by the fathoms deep emotions that we feel. Your emotions are that mirror, the reflection of your very soul itself. So when you feel that ennui plus plus it is your soul asking you to take another look at any situation, person, place, etc., and find that the contrast, the darkness serves the light and not the other way around.
I thought about using the word spirit which TBH, is a pet peeve of mine! By definition, it is both the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person and an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms. The word spiritual is of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit: incorporeal which is having no material body or form. Whenever I talk about the words spirit or spiritual they a) don't feel right to my body, it's uncomfortable for me and b) I hear/see/feel all kinds of reactions from the Animals which may or may not include rolled eyes, side eye, heavy sighs from all the elements. It's such massive evidence that we are disconnected already from the energy of Soul both individually and collectively for sure because we separate conceptually, ideologically, and physically soul outside of the body. I've already talked about and perhaps need to revisit at some point in time, the reason why human beings chose to do that and chose to create a separate belief system - as in what you choose to believe not necessarily what you experience - in this human experience on the third planet from the star that we call Sun. Because the truth of the matter is, at least according to the Animals, is that what unites us is far greater than what divides us. Quote - "Do you see us quibbling and sparring over where spots on placed on Leopard? Do you see us picking fights if the shape of fin between Orca differs? Do you see us starting wars based on what an old white-haired Sea Lion in the sky tells us we must do? (Side note - not sure why they chose Sea Lion as a metaphor for the entity some would call a god. Here's what the interwebs tells us about that - "In the arts and literature, sea lions represent strength, agility, and intelligence. They symbolize courage in the face of danger and an unyielding spirit despite difficult odds. Throughout history, sea lions have been depicted as majestic creatures that bravely navigate rough ocean waters and weather any storm with gracefulness." Now that you hear this you might think of Sea Lion quite differently than what most would picture as a human god because you have been taught as was I that an entity called a god throughout history can be benevolent for sure and also can have a bit of a temper, right? Which is an interesting metaphor for the light and contrast/duality that we perceive except that it's more unified than we give it credit for. In comparison, Sea Lion talks about unyielding Energy (my substitute), strength, agility, and intelligence. Quite a difference between you shall and you shall not, the focus is only on the being part and being is what we're all here for in this experience.
To be clear, this soul-less-ness or ennui plus plus that you may feel from time to time is important to dissect and excavate and know exactly why you feel or think you feel the way that you do. In large part it is due to the indoctrination - another word I was considering using - of you, sweet star from the galaxy far far away, into the a** of human experience. Lawd are we ever pushed and shoved and told what to do, what not to do, how to be, how not to be, etc. since we are babies on this planet, give or take cultural differences because there is some of that. I've read about indigenous cultures where children are not punished for their mistakes or incorrect actions and other aboriginal tribes where the whole village comes to surround a person who has acted in a way not in keeping with the societal norms. In this latter example, all the other members surround that person and just hug them. There is no blaming, shaming, or saying/doing things designed to make them feel less than. In other words, there is a focus away from the mistake and back toward the place of light, the place of energy and of belonging which I truly love because that's unified duality. If you grew up in a family where you're following in the footsteps of your parents and their parents and their grandparents is crucial to being loved or being seen or being honored in a family, it's good to question this reality. Because oftentimes it's not the fault of your parents or their parents etc., that caused this separation of soul from life. They were taught to do and be this way themselves and like peeling an onion your watery eyes will tell you enough with the peeling already, we don't need to go any further, each layer will get you closer to who you are as a bright spark of light on this planet. There's the indoctrination of societal norms, familial norms, professional norms, religious norms, etc., etc., etc. It feels like cement to me honestly and really incompatible with any kind of light or joy or Animal-Energy-related. We're not talking about work or effort or anything like that and please oh please don't come at me with lessons! Ugh! That's the worst I think. To pre-emptively punish ourselves and bruise our souls because of experiences of contrast that we perceive aren't shifting fast enough to suit our impatient nature and of course, I'm speaking only for myself.
Light reigns supreme if we let it in and contrast serves to redirect back to light. Plus as your body is the vehicle of soul, they are united; what affects one affects the other and vice versa. Any trauma that you have and indeed any trauma your ethnic lineage may have had will become part of cellular memory. What is felt by the body is experienced by the soul throughout lifetimes. And hey, remember - as I am relaying my experience to you it's critical that you check in with your body to see what resonates as true for you. It may and it may not, it's still just so important that you don't take my word for it as the saying goes, because your soul path is different than mine as evidenced by our separate physical forms born of the same design template of human. It is key that we have diversity and the richness that it brings forward because that's why we're all here! To have all the feels that we want to have with all of the smooth planes and sharp edges that jewels themselves also have. Because you dear soul, are a diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald all rolled up into one on this planet that we share. It's imperative that you seek these bedazzled places within yourself and begin to think of your soul as a star. Notice what color it is and what shape it is. Is it currently lit up like Jupiter or Mars or Venus can be or does it seem to be somewhat dimmed? When you start to think different thoughts and feel different feelings, keep that star in your mind's eye. How do they affect the color, the shape, and the luminosity of your inner star? The more you can intentionally readjust your focus on that inner star and notice the mirroring effect in your human experience, the better you can begin to feel which is the whole point of being here after all. And at least that's how the Animals see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.