The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
Unconditional Love Doesn't Mean Zero Boundaries
As sentient beings, your "pet" is entitled to have boundaries in your relationship with them that are respected and honored. Just as you want them to respect and honor your boundaries. When any relationship on Earth has good boundaries, those in that relationship feel respected, cherished, and deeply loved. Your Animal family members deserve only the best from you - make it so.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
My apologies for not getting a podcast up last week. In part I thought that a fair number of people would be doing Thanksgiving-ey stuff, it's been my experience that around holidays in certain parts of the world, podcast downloads drop a bit during these weeks. And in part, my body was feeling under the weather which it still is and this podcast will likely be more brief than the others. Hopefully, my body will reveal more next week about the direction in which it wants to go! Since we're already here with the phrase - under the weather - I'm heading to the dictionary now and here it is ready for your next Trivia game night - "Not surprisingly, the origin of the idiom 'under the weather' can be traced back to maritime sources. In the old days, sailors who weren’t feeling well were often sent below deck, so they could get out of the weather. The term we use today has been shortened though; originally, the idiom was 'under the weather bow' which is the side of the ship from which the bad weather is coming." This is interesting in itself given the topic of today's podcast that I'll flesh out for you here - I'll be talking about your relationship or plural - relationships - with all of the Animal companions in your life that are remarkably similar to all the other relationships in your life of the human variety in that they get "under the weather" from time to time. And that you do not likely enjoy sunny weather all of the time in these relationships taken all together and it's going to be in your best interest to not have expectations of that because that's not likely at all to happen, at least not on this planet. And while it's true that the planetary experience of these other species - talking about the Animals now - are perceived by humans as being unconditionally loving, that does not mean that these relationships should not also have the same or nearly the same boundaries that your other relationships have. It's important, super important, to manage your relationships with your Animal companions just like you manage any other relationship in your life. Because Animals are dependent on humans for survival - shelter, food, etc. - we can trick ourselves into thinking that they may need to be managed like children. And y'all know how I feel about that! They are far from children and in most cases as Chief Seattle was quoted as saying - Every Animal Knows More than you do. Their sentience spans both dimensions and lifetimes and their intelligence - well, forget about it like the saying goes. We put way too much stock in whether they can count as high as a 5-year-old can when we compare say the alleged intelligence of Chicken or Pig or Dolphin to ours. What they don't know in our experience in no way means they're lacking in an ability, for instance, to calculate airspeed, rate, and speed of water flow along with the necessary wing drag instantly as in the case of any Raptor wanting to clean their wings by taking a quick dip in a River. So many times I've heard my clients say - "Well, this wasn't anything like what I thought it would be" referring to a just-concluded session. Whatever Energy environment you co-create with them because remember, Energy is their jam, is going to be what I'll hear about. And believe me when I say, I will hear about it when your Animal companion begs me to tell you to leave them alone every once in a while when they're off by themselves attempting to reset their nervous system because you're driving them cray-cray! For sure that happens in the human Animal relationships you have and yes, there's a difference between human being - which is one of the worst things we've ever called ourselves and human Animal, period. The first one carves out our species from all the rest because we purportedly have a soul as well as the all-important mind that sets us above and apart from all the other species while the second calls us home to ourselves. That once there we can honor the balance and partnership within duality which forms unity in our personal experience and allows us to extend unity to others. And from there we can get to the place of being Steward and Guardian for the whole planet, which has been a co-evolutionary request from all the rest of the Animals on the planet for quite some time, and which can start with your companion Animals.
Because let's face it - boundaries are good things for everyone in a relationship. They're about mutual respect, they represent and signify the importance of the individual in the relationship and holds space for them and their uniqueness. This last is the juice of any relationship even if there's great commonality between individuals. No two souls are alike and non-coincidentally, no two DNA identities are the same, even among identical twins. Even though to our eyes the twins look the same and may even trick others into thinking they're the other twin, on a cellular level they're not the same. How extraordinary is that?! When you're in a relationship then with another individual or plural individuals, the more effective and grounded the boundaries are, the more effective and grounded the relationship is going to be. I heard a therapist say once to aim for the 80/20 rule in a relationship, with 80 percent of the time being seen as positive or good, and the other 20 percent being seen as negative or bad. Boundaries are important to keep that 80 percent of the time up and running while also making sure that the 20 percent stays right at 20 percent. The more empowered two individuals (or more) are as themselves in a relationship, the better the relationship functions. Is it likely going to be this 80/20 split all of the time? Of course not - where would the fun be in that? Remember, ye olde planet called Earth has a fixed design that means everyone is here on a soul-contract basis with everyone else and your Animal companions are no different in that regard. This is why if you've always had say Golden Retrievers and you get another same-breed dog you might find yourself saying - "This is the most un-Golden-Retriever-like Dog I've ever known!" That's because their DNA is different, naturally, unless you had a former dog cloned like Barbra Streisand did, and even more importantly, the soul inside of that physical vessel is not one of the previous dogs either. And I know, I know because I get the question quite a bit - "Is it possible that this current Dog/Cat/Bearded Dragon is a reincarnation of my former Dog/Cat/Bearded Dragon?" Yes, it's possible and it's also not very likely at all. In my 15 years of practicing the craft of animal communion, I've run across one instance of a twin soul which was super unique and not one - that I can recall - of reincarnation. It may feel like that because there have been past lives together and may be future lives together, the reincarnation gig of "been there, done that" is not likely one that will be repeated among Animals. Never say never, of course, just quite unlikely. We're so fond of projecting our needs into whatever pool of love we perceive our Animal companions have just waiting for us that we can over-burden them and cause the very behavior that we do not want. A good example of this is what I say to clients about worry. When another human Animal hears "I'm worried about you" chances are good that we feel warm and fuzzy and think that we're being cared for and loved. It's the exact opposite for Animals because their entire existence is completely dependent on your survival skills. So when you worry that the vet doesn't have the answers you think you need or you're frustrated that you can't find the right food or whatever that is, your Animal companions feel that they're at the center of that worry. So they think, naturally, well if my guardian is worried about something and doesn't feel confident and comfortable, what do I have to be worried about? That is when my inbox starts to fill up with people saying that Fido or Fluffy are acting out and can I please tell them to do X and not Y?
The physical boundaries of "I just need some space, man!" are usually really clear and it's the emotional ones that we have difficulty with. Especially so when a beloved Animal family member has transitioned and we're confused about whether or not our seeing a similar Cat or Dog or Bearded Dragon means that it's the former Animal saying they're coming back this lifetime in reincarnation. Remember, just because they're transitioned doesn't mean that healthy Energy boundaries don't need to be kept. And the "been there, done that" thingy is quite clear with the Animals. They're pretty good at setting boundaries for themselves because they're pretty focused on accomplishing the joint soul awarenesses that are present in Energy. As I've said before, you won't likely hear an Animal say - "Ugh! I don't know how to Cow (for instance). How does one Cow anyway?! What is my purpose here on Earth?!" It's rather our species that has difficulty in finding ourselves and our soul paths on this planet because for Animals their soul path IS their life path. Just as there's no duality for them, no actual light and contrast because every contrast serves to redirect back to light and to joy. So when your behavior starts to affect them and their boundaries are likely getting violated, they'll change their behavior so you'll notice which is when I'll get contacted to swoop in (truth be told, I rarely swoop) and fix the "problem". Because it's simply not possible that your angel, the darling of your life, is becoming reactive toward other humans or Dogs now when nothing has changed - oh wait a minute - that's right, I did get a new job that's requiring longer hours at work and I'm not spending the same amount of time with them now. Or that your angel, the darling of your life who purrs so when you pet and feed them has now started to avoid their litter box, not exactly like the plague, just after every extended time away from them now that you have a new partner and - oh wait a minute, that's right, this started right after Dawn, David or both Dawn and David spent their first overnight with you. That's right, boundaries have been violated. And absent a common language - which is Energy - by which you can talk things over them and honor their boundaries, the red flag of Animals is usually going to be their outward behavior. Yes, they have their vocalizations like we do, it's just that the telempathic one of Energy is synonymous with all physical bodies on the planet and therefore both efficient and effective. I'm going to throw a bit of sand into the unconditional love part as well so there's even more necessary separation between you and your Animal companion and so that you can begin to see them not as your children whom you expect to behave - that's such a trap for everyone involved - rather as sentient beings whose intellect and ability to see in many different directions and dimensions of Energy surpass your ability. And that sand is - if you were a human who was given shelter, food, medical care, treats, emotional support and comfort by an Animal who perceived that they "owned" you and who was completely in charge of having all the good things in your life continue- would you be able to get to the 80 percent positive in that relationship by showing how much you truly cared about them just so that your perceived good life would continue? C'mon, be honest with yourself. How much resentment might build up because you perceived you were held captive by that Animal in some way? Would you be capable of creating an environment in which your owner referred to you as a pet knowing that your wisdom surpassed theirs and at the same time in that environment giving back all the love that perhaps your "owner" never felt before from another being in their life? I heard the complaints about Animals wanting to be fed at certain times and being quite vocal about it as well as those Animals who become destructive if they don't get an adequate amount of exercise for their breed genetics. We're always so quick to look at Animals and say - there, right there - that's the problem - when likely we wouldn't be able to balance their life path and soul path in a way close to even approaching how they do in a remarkably shortened period of time that they have with us. We often say - "Oh, I'd love to come back as my Cat or Dog or Bearded Dragon" because their life is so easy and without anything much at all for which they're responsible. Perhaps after this one short podcast you might have a different appreciation for the boundaries that your beloved Animal family member might have in what you perceive is such an easy existence and you might truly begin to see their soul path aligned with yours so that a limited period of time spent physically together might be given the depth of attention that any soul mate relationship might be given regardless of the physical forms of those in this soul mate relationship. Because it's how the inside of any relationship is respected and honored for the each of the individuals' boundaries in a healthy way so that the sum total of what they can accomplish together is greater than what either brings to the planetary table. At least, that's how the Animals see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.