The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
Birds of a Feather: Medicine and (medical) Intuition
Like Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons are linked in the Raptor family of Birds, there are extended feathers of Energy between human medicine and medical Intuition. Raptors are apex predators and partner with their prey to sustain themselves and the shared ecosystem. In the same manner, the Body links its inner wisdom with its outer symptoms to inform all beings of its welfare. It is up to us to ensure all information is vigorously supported in our search for well-being.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a canine massage therapist and Reiki Master Teacher. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
Happy New Year to one and all across the planet. Although It's not necessary to include the Animals in our New Year's greetings I'm confident they'll feel the emotion behind it - our joy tinged with perhaps bittersweet memories of what was and even a bit of anxiety about what will be. Time doesn't exist for them in the way that it does for us and a quote attributed to Einstein, heavy emphasis on the attributed to part - Time is an illusion. Even if Einstein or Tesla or any other notable physicist didn't say it, the Animals would agree that more accurately the keeping of time is an illusion. For sure they know the sunrises and the sunsets, the keeping of the tides by the Moon, and other on and off planetary caretakers. It's more that they know this present moment really really well and perhaps in ways that we simply cannot fathom in our current version of human experience - let's see - what number shall we call it - 6034. At least that's what I'm hearing! And you all know by now that I follow the lead of Energy, it's pointing me to numerology and adding up the 6034 as one does to distill it down into a singular number for guidance and support. So 6 plus 3 plus 4 (the zero is silent) equals 11. We then add one plus one to get 2 and I'm reminded of the quote by Galileo Galilei - The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics - and which I usually reverse: The laws of mathematics are written in the language of Nature. With this fixed-design planet, it's good to have a solid foundation of how stuff works, and right now it's fair to say humans do not. At the very least we can do better.
Leading off from the number 2 and quoting from the link in the podcast notes - The Numerology number 2 is known to numerologists as a supremely feminine force, one that represents both grace and power. It is cooperative, always aiming to bring peace and balance back to a relationship or situation. This Numerology number is also very sensitive -- of all the numbers, it has the strongest intuition. It can sense currents and feelings instinctively, and then use these clues to connect with others empathically. At its very core, the 2 in Numerology represents partnerships -- the coming together or balancing of two individual people, concepts, or things. While it holds great power over any situation, it wields it with such diplomacy and tact that the result is not control and authority, but harmony and teamwork. It is a mediator, able to see two sides of a situation in an unbiased way and guide others down the middle road.
Quoting from our frenemy AI - yes, we're adding to the ranks of our frenemies and the Animals have already addressed their perception of AI in a previous podcast - here's the list from AI about the number 2: Represents duality and balance, symbolizing partnerships and relationships.
Often associated with cooperation and teamwork.
In numerology, it signifies sensitivity and intuition.
Represents harmony and peace, promoting diplomacy.
In mathematics, it is the smallest and first prime number.
Symbolizes choices and decisions, often indicating a fork in the road.
In various cultures, it can represent duality in nature, such as light and dark.
In tarot, the number 2 is linked to the High Priestess, representing intuition and mystery.
In astrology, it is associated with the Moon, emphasizing emotions and nurturing.
In Chinese culture, the number 2 is considered lucky, often symbolizing harmony in relationships.
Out of all of these what resonates most to me is the unified duality that's possible with the number 2. Because it's not 1, right? It's 1 + 1 so its very essence is about joining with the very least one other as two cannot exist without one, numerically and otherwise, right? And as far as our evolutionary path goes, it's not a coincidence where we are rn or right now as the kids say. It remains to be seen if we can perceive the duality on the planet, in the Animals, and in ourselves and each other as something that needs unity vs the stiff arm out to the side of - nope, I reject you and therefore you don't exist. Which, as the Animals say in chorus, never works well for anyone, chickens coming home to roost and all.
Speaking of Chicken - what a segue! - the collective of Raptors are eager to join in the conversation even given the difference in their separate classifications according to humans. Meaning, that a Hawk is not a Falcon is not an Eagle yet all are Raptors and apex predators within their specific ecosystems. As predators, they are charged with partnership and balance with their particular groups of prey and supporting the overall health and maintenance of both identities which is something that humans tend to forget. Without predators, the numbers of prey can grow out of proportion to their prey which may be insects and/or plants, leaving the soil and the waterways that house all beings in danger of being shifted too much or too little in this amazingly intricate design on Earth. Conversely, too many predators can leave their prey overly consumed which also impacts the trickle-down effect or Trophic cascade, an ecological phenomenon triggered by the addition or removal of top predators and involving reciprocal changes in the relative populations of predator and prey through a food chain. A trophic cascade often results in dramatic changes in ecosystem structure and nutrient cycling. Maybe this is ringing an uncomfortable bell for you, listener, about how our species as both apex predator and prey have perhaps overemphasized the predatory imperative we want to claim as ours while at the same time also overemphasizing in relation to the predatory aspect our prey aspect that we tend to victimize. I'm hearing now the Animals say, "Hey. We didn't write the rules and we do think everyone should play fairly within them." Touche.
The link in the podcast notes about the differences between the families of Raptor - Eagle, Hawk, and Falcon - is good to have handy the next time you're out and about in Nature as well as looking on the interwebs for a Birding app such as Merlin that can guide you in discerning the difference between the three. Certainly, it may be that their feathers are similar enough between them - especially Hawk and Falcon - to cause even the most experienced birder to second-guess their original identification. That's on the surface, though. Underneath they are all tied together with a more or less invisible string of hunting to feed themselves and their offspring, and to nurture the very environment in which they live, side-by-side, with their prey.
Again, resident human perspective has been and still is to keep as far away as possible from our fellow predators so much so that we've become out of touch with our partnership with them. I'll save for another podcast the whole elevation of the health of our species above all others and if we have done the appropriate thing in prolonging our lives at the cost of theirs. You can probably guess the Animals' answer - nope. It does bring to mind though - another perhaps awkward segue for the listener but not for the Animals - how the seemingly disparate connection of the body and medical intuition so to speak has more or less not been allowed to evolve. I cannot tell you the number of times that an organ, a system, a past injury, or present illness has been shared with me by an Animal client when their guardian and the vet have had no idea as to what's wrong. It's as if we're stuck at the number 2 level and duality, and that we're not allowing or have allowed or nurtured in any way the body's outstanding ability to heal and to work with that as a foundational piece of certainly, traditional medicine. Our species' penchant for allowing another human who isn't part of our physical body to diagnose and treat said body doesn't fully allow for the feathers of our inner knowing and anatomical wisdom to rise to the surface. Moreover, it continually widens the gap between our vehicle on this planet and the captains of that vehicle, your soul, and that awareness. With Animals, their relationship with their bodies is much more intimate than ours. And it's given rise - from our original perspective - that they were more stoic and at one point didn't feel pain. Which was patently ridiculous! Of course, they feel what we feel as far as pain, pleasure, and the like. They have - most of them - a skeletal structure, deep and superficial musculature, and underpinning all of that, is a profoundly sensitive nervous system. Unlike human experience, Animals understand the immediate message of the pain and refrain from slipping into the "darn, now the body is broken and I'm vulnerable and it has to be fixed" betrayal. They embrace the physical realignment that needs to happen and set their intention for only that while we may remain fixated on the emotional rebound of something being wrong. We're meant to have a deep understanding of the ouch that presents itself and yes, it's been good and beneficial to have books that healers once wrote in which they cataloged their typically plant-based remedies and synergies of the same that supported the body's shift toward realignment. It's been good and beneficial to our communities to have individuals in roles where their care for a group of people in a community allowed them an overview of temporary conditions affecting more than one member. What hasn't been as good is for the knowledge of the body to be held away from the owner of the body and only accessed by those who profess to have such knowledge and by those who are capable of - at least here in the US - buying access to such knowledge. Keep in mind though the difference between knowledge and wisdom. You can know all about the gazillion and 55 aspects of the body itself and still lack even the basic wisdom of how to deeply listen to the murmurs and whispers of the body before they become a shout of rage at being ignored for far too long. We're guilty of so much reductionism in medicine that the murmurs and whispers are drowned by facts about how a system operates and not your connection to that system which you own along with several others while you're here on Earth.
You are not to blame for the issue itself and honestly, no Animal on the planet would say, "Well gosh, both mom and pops had a heart murmur so it's no surprise that I have that as well." Are there limits to any species' afforded time on Earth based on physiological design? Yes, of course, there are. Worker Bees live but for a season while Blue Whale lives for 80-90 years. The same goes for humans except we do want that life span number to increase upward and take great pride in not transitioning at 35-40 years of age much like our ancestors did a mere 200 years ago. Again, the Animals ask the question - "What are you losing in the translation of so much knowledge without also increasing the depth of your wisdom that is passed along to each successive generation? Why are you not teaching your children to listen to their bodies and to increase that listening during each phase of growth of their physical form like puberty and then again in quasi-reverse during menopause and general aging? Why is it not possible to have a deep intuitive sense of your body alongside your medical facts, like birds of a feather united into two, so that partnership and balance come more easily to you and your path becomes gentled with wisdom as you age? Why are you opting out of this deep self-awareness simply because you might not like the answers you're being given?"
And at least, that's how the Animals see it.
Thanks for listening today. Leave a review and be sure to subscribe to this podcast. I offer all new clients a free 15-minute
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.