The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
If Your "S-uality" Ain't Got This Thing, There Can't Be No Swing
We tend to put a middleman/person between Body and Soul which is the human construct of Mind, or it's often in front of the other two. The Animals hate to break it to you, but if your spirituality ain't got the body along for the ride, then it's no wonder we have a hard time finding our swing. A belief system won't bring the Universal insight for which you long because your body is made to work with all its parts; body and soul have always been the norm.
We depend too heavily on centuries-old words to feel our resonance with ourselves, let alone communicate this to others of our species. Search for the word that feels right no matter its definition and let the good times roll.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a canine massage therapist and Reiki Master Teacher. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
To all of my devoted listeners, my sincere apologies for my less-than-consistent podcasts of late. I'm in the midst of a shift - as we all are continually - and wanting to put my spoons in the areas that I feel give the most support and create the best feeling Energy for everyone, starting with me. For why shouldn't we all be doing that? The spoon reference is one that's known within circles of chronic illness and come to think of it, if we all honored our bodies before they demand that we do, it would make for a happier planet for our species and all species, of course. The theory goes like this: we all have a certain number of spoons to use, energy-wise, every day. With folks who have autoimmune dis-ease or other kinds of issues, our spoons are fixed in time and space based on what our bodies tell us is available to use. Some days it's 3 spoons and no matter what you've got on your list in human experience say you want to get done 5 spoons' worth, it's not going to happen. Or more likely if we force it to happen, we risk damaging tomorrow's spoon availability or even more so, spoon availability overall in a lifetime. You might think that's hyperbolic phrasing and I'm here to tell you that it's not at least in my current experience and in hindsight, pretty much since my body was diagnosed with MS. The closest I can come to giving you a visceral physical feeling is maybe a constant hangover from which you're just starting to recover or a flu that keeps hanging around with low energy, some aches, and pains that just won't budge, etc. This is not to say that there can be better days than some and lawd knows I hang onto those better days. And looking back over the arc of this lifetime there is simply no way I would have gravitated in the true sense of the word to the healing arts and the wisdom the Animals have about their earthly physical vehicles without the hard course direction of MS roughly one-third the way through this human experience. I would have continued leaning much more heavily into the human construct of mind, logic, and I guess science of a sort. And then again I'm hearing like all things on Earth, it's how we respond to anything is how we carve our paths out of what is into what will be.
If you're not a member of my FB group I would ask - why aren't you - and I know that you may not be a Facebook user and that Instagram TikTok or X-Twitter may be more up your alley. And for those of you who are on FB, please do consider creating a profile if only to belong to our group, The Animals' iView, just like the name of this podcast. I took a poll a while back and got only positive responses to doing a Zoomcast for members of our group on FB which I would then post on my YouTube channel to supplement the traditional style podcasts that I post. I really do miss the interactions that I had with listeners when I was doing my two-at-a-time radio shows back in the day as the kids say and Zoom offers that opportunity for all Animal advocates to come together maybe twice a month to chit chat, ask questions about their Animals and to hear from whoever Animal-wise wants to knock on our door of Energy at that moment in time. That will likely be happening early in November so as I said, consider joining our group where members can share posts about Animals and nature, we have the funnies on Friday that usually make fun of the human Animal, and where if you're not careful, you might learn a thing or three about the 8.7 million other species with whom we share this planet. Mixing the Zoomcasts and the traditional podcasts gives me more freedom to utilize my spoons and still be of service to other Earthlings when they call. So that I can have enough spoons to manage my daily life and continue to seek joy as opposed to being a passive receptor of it.
The title of this podcast comes from my frenemy the dictionary - I bet you thought I was going to say science, right?! - and our ancient (I'm hearing) curse of the words we use which is curious enough indeed in this month of October! Nicely played, Universe! Because the words that we use and how we choose to create Energy and meaning out of sound and forced air can sometimes be linked to centuries-old meanings! Take for example the word woo-woo and its sound. Here's the modern definition per the dictionary - dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific - that has its roots in the word goetia - go -eh - TEE - ia, from the 1560's practice of magic and the associated sorcerer, enchanter; charlatan, and goao - go -Ay - o to groan or to weep. So it's not a stretch to do your best Casper the friendly ghost impression of wooo, WOOO , to conjure up, literally, the resonance of the word's history of being mystical, supernatural, and scary, as well as something that science chooses not to identify, aka, Energy. Or if science does choose to identify energy, small e, it does so as a philosophy to lead our species away from the collective experiential mystical and toward the reductionism of energy when bread rises or beer brews, energy when a flame ignites a candle and burns wax, etc. With a thousand and one or more different definitions - it's no wonder we can't get together on anything if we can't even define Energy, capital E, as all other species have done, also for centuries on Earth. They're physically incarnated knowing not only their ancestor's history on Earth and off I might add, nothing else is varnished over or white-washed or left out to favor the conqueror at the expense of everyone else. So it's not a leap into just spirit and by extension spirituality - because they'd never leave out the missing swing which is, of course, your body.
As I'm fond of saying to clients, your body will tell you everything you need to know about every situation, person, place, or thing that comes your way in your lifetime if you would just listen to its messages that come at sometimes lightning quick speeds and may not come through your external sensory system, rather, they come through your internal sensory system. As a mirror for the external system, it is no less accurate than the external one and in some cases, more so, as we all have experienced your eyes and or ears playing tricks on you. And of two humans having a differing perception of a "what just happened" scenario. Duke Ellington and Irving Mills released “It don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that swing,” song in 1931 and it was the lyric that played on the radio station in my head when pondering this podcast. The song’s title phrase encapsulates the belief that in music and in life, without the vital element of swing, nothing truly matters. Swing represents the ability to find joy, express oneself, and experience a profound connection with the music and the audience. During a time of racial segregation and inequality, “It Don’t Mean a Thing” became a unifying force, transcending barriers and bringing people together through music. It showcased the immense talent and creativity of Black musicians, contributing to the evolving cultural landscape of the United States. Certainly, at that point in time, it was with the advent of jazz perhaps not unlike hip hop or rap in modern times, that there was a dismantling of sorts of what no longer served our highest and best good, i.e., X parameters of music, that arrived precisely because there was new waiting to be heard that would birth a broader and deeper space to speak to others so that they might be embraced by the whole. You know, an evolution/revolution that music in particular has a spectacular way of speaking to everyone. I submit as do the Animals because it is sound and vibration, it is the most effective form of communication via Energy that is universal among most bodies on Earth.
If you replied to someone at some point in time upon their query of what religion you "are" - well, I'm spiritual, not religious, you unknowingly cut yourself off from your body altogether. As the imprint of a belief system perhaps left over from childhood or society, it can be a tattoo that you couldn't wipe off no matter how hard you tried. Why do I say this? Because the very definition of spiritual is one cut off from the body. It is - of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit: incorporeal, the latter of which is, without the corporeal or the body. If we add the "ity" ending it becomes - sensitivity or attachment to religious values. And if we go back to the beginning of the word, spirit, the number 1 definition is - drumroll please - an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms. Which I think clashes most horribly with spiritual and the noncorporeal. Now you may be saying, There she goes, that Lizanne! Having all kinds of strict rules about words and what I should and shouldn't use. And if that's your take then I implore you to try on spiritual as in "I'm spiritual" to see how your body responds versus "I'm Energy". And do it again after listening to the podcast and maybe a couple more times just for fun. If you use a pendulum, the statement as a question would be "Being spiritual is in my highest and best good at this point in time." Then "Being energy is in my highest and best good at this point in time." You can also use other muscle testing tools if you feel those work well for you with the bottom line being - LISTEN!!! - in all caps with 3, count 'em, 3 exclamation points coming from the Animals. Remember, they don't have the belief systems of religion or the philosophy and belief systems of science in their world. Everything is Energy to them and they simply wouldn't use anything other than their bodies with which to make the same choices about life, about love, and about their children that we do. They further add, "Why oh why must you make everything so much harder than it has to be? Do you think your lives or experiences are easier with spirit separated from body as it is with most religions you've created? Why would you impossibly set up that you won't see a happy afterlife or life unless you cleanse your spirit first via baptism and/or regular confession? It's far more complicated (not complex) with belief systems because they further separate you in human experience, aka, your body, from the very dynamic essence of you - your spirit, soul, etc. Only with spirit informing your body and visa versa (oh yeah, that happens as well - surprise!) will you be moved into the truly divine (to discover by intuition or insight) harmony with the Universe of which you are and will always be a part, because of how your vehicle in this lifetime was built. And what a vehicle it is!! Willing to keep going for you even when you say you hate it. Willing to keep going for you when your nights are the darkest and wanting only in return, a true recognition that without the swing of the body in time with the rhythm of soul/spirit, you ain't got a thing.
And at least, that's how the Animals see it.
Thanks for listening today. Leave a review and be sure to subscribe to this podcast. I offer all new clients a free 15-minute
consultation, to schedule online go to lizanneflynn.com. Come find me on social media -
FB, X-Twitterverse, Instagram, and Linkedin. I encourage you to sign up for my quarterly newsletter on my website where I also post notices
for upcoming events, the starting date of courses in The Animals' iView Academy, and online psychic fairs. The episodes of this podcast are available
on my YouTube channel complete with subtitles, you'll find that link in my podcast footer, and be sure to subscribe.
This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.