The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
Is It Your Imagination or Universal Guidance? RSVP or 'Again'!
Translated from the French, RSVP is "respond if you please"; children have their way of asking for a repeat of something which is "again!", especially if they're having fun. It's no coincidence that "clair" is French for clear as in clear hearing (clairaudience), etc. If it is not clear to you what the information is, ask for it to be repeated. Just know that your free will is a maxim (general truth) on planet Earth that will always be honored (dang it!), and that as always, your choices reign supreme.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
If I had one wish for all of you the day after Valentine's Day that would be to experience all of the magic that the Universe has in store for you. Maybe not all at once because you might not be able to stand it all at once and then again, I'll leave that up to you. For me, I get jazzed up every single time I hear from the Universe in all ways, big and small, and honestly, at least half of the time it leaves me scratching my head. Not about the message itself, it's more often - "well, what do I do with this piece of information?" Because there's a timing issue, right? With situations, people, and places on this planet of ours that has less to do with human experience than it does with our soul path. And the timing of the soul path as far as how it aligns with the human experience. Which is the funny thing really. Because we try so dang hard in human experience with all of our doing and our praying and our doing and honestly, I think that most of what's coming our way we have little control over it. Sure we can pay attention as much as possible to these soul messages from the Universe but if our perspective is from that of how we're doing on the planet, half of the time we might think that the information that we're given is pie in the sky and something maybe to dream about doing one day. Of course, we can pin our hopes on that and work toward it yet because this planet's design is one of unified duality, it can also be a bit of two steps forward, one step back. We can also return to the pie in the sky and hold it so close to our hearts and never share it with anyone thinking "Well, at least I have this one lovely thought to comfort me when I just don't think that's doable for me in this lifetime." As the Animals would and do remind us every single moment of every single day - "It is all about the choices one makes in listening to and flowing with Energy." And gosh - don't they make it all sound so easy?!
I would run out of fingers and toes to use to tell you how often I thought to myself - "Self, that seemed to be a pretty clear piece of information coming in from ye olde Universe" and that same self would say "Yeah, but how many times have we not known when or how to apply that information?" I would naturally answer back because well, I'd like to think I'm a good conversationalist, thanks to Gemini rising, and that answer would be "That's true, and yet there have also been times where it's been as clear as day about when and how to apply that information. Doncha think that it might be a good idea to follow this one through just this one time?" I will also sometimes hear in the clairaudient way - "Are you sure you want to do that/this?" Which of course is like the Universe giving me a baby gate before I tumble down the stairs or before I stick my fingers into an outlet on the wall in the way of babies everywhere. And that's the crazy thing, right, with trying to morph somehow the piercingly direct information from the Universe into this human experience on the planet whose design makes us think that it's all a crap shoot anyway. Because we've got so many belief systems and human-centric thought processes that tell us what to do in certain situations. Like if you have a baby who can't walk yet you need to put up the baby gates and put protective covers over the outlets - ah what memories for me. The traditional thinking in human experience is that someone who doesn't know how to walk well or at all needs to be protected. And that same someone will learn about what electrical outlets do in about 5 or 6 years and that they need to be protected because they can't know what they don't know. Then again, that young toddler who is learning to walk might benefit from a new challenge such as taking on the stairs because they've learned to open up the baby gate, dang it. Or they're already 4 and have started plugging in their own iPad for charging so this is a good time to tell them to not experiment with other items such as a fork because they need that widening of information about the outlet that they use. Interestingly, this last is likely how the Universe thinks or so I think with all of us in human experience.
Maybe the Universe sees that Sara Heather or Judy are ready for new steps forward on their journey because they've already mastered where they are. If that's how we are in human experience as we learn when young, why aren't we doing more of that when we're older? Why are we so resistant during the adult part of our lives when the Universe gives us a heads up about the next steps or direction on our life path and we say "Well, I can see the direction this is heading and I'll tell you what - it's not possible, I'm not ready, this can't be happening, it's not to be believed." Cue more of the self-talk when we inadvertently shoot ourselves in the foot because we want answers and not mysterious word poems or flashes of clairvoyance or clairsentience or claircognizance or any of the clairs which is French, do you know for clear? So it translates to clear hearing, clear vision, clear feeling, and clear knowing. Imagine that. I heard a woman say at a talk about star lineages that "Earth is a tough gig" - Amen, sister, amen. Do we make it harder than it has to be though? And what can we do about following the guidance from the Universe and fearing - because it is fear - that this is just our imagination or worse, that we're crazy.
I know that you all have heard me say before that I know enough about astrology to be dangerous which means not very much. I keep half an ear open for the planets being in transit and want to be ready to give Mercury all the love when it goes retrograde. I saw a very funny T-shirt that I think I'm going to have to get which had a photo of the planet Pluto on it with the saying "Remember Pluto 1930 - 2006" like a memorial of sorts. Another one said "When I was your age we had 9 planets" which was also funny. If you don't know Pluto was kicked out of the solar system in 2006 from being a planet and to be honest, I don't know what its designation by science is now so off to Google I went and it's now called a dwarf planet which is also offensive I think. It has moons and mountains and even glaciers, so why the little person designation? At any rate, my body seems to tell me when the planets are going to be moving about a week or so before they move. I'll hear something or feel something and then a week or two later it's - "Oh yeah - I remember that now." So before Pluto went direct for the next 20 years I heard a very clear female voice saying - "no more sorrows no more tears, no more worries no more fears". That wasn't necessarily the kind of human experience guidance that I usually get, it seemed more substantial than that. Well, I came to find out that because my sun sign is in Capricorn and as a cardinal sign, likely for the rest of my life, things will be rather sunny for this experience on Earth. There wasn't the usual self-talk yet I remain cautiously optimistic as there are several professional and personal irons in the fire that I've yet to see completion of so again, cautiously optimistic. And I can let that message remain with me so that when a few more worries or sorrows come in, I won't raise my fist and say "Curse you, Universe! You lied to me!" because a - I'm just not that way and b - I know enough not to think about the soul path and timing thingy.
Just this past week, I felt Dragon come in and was quite surprised about that. I felt the large energy presence and a weird kind of lick along my cheek that was really warm and then a quick flash of Dragon in all their fiery fabulousness. I was taken aback a bit and didn't really think anything more about it beyond - "Oh that's cool - Dragon came for a visit. I wonder why?" Well, indeed as it is the year of the Dragon that I learned about - like Pluto - after the Energy interaction, I thought it was really cute of Dragon to say hello. At the same time, there's no way I'm going to overlook that kind of Energy swinging by because surely there's a purpose behind their actions. So I'll tuck this away or write it down which is what I usually do to make sure my tired brain remembers all these things and when I do forget and get frustrated about that, I often hear a voice that says "You'll remember when you need to" - and I do.
If you're just at the beginning of your journey with Energy or anywhere really on that spectrum, I can tell you that your - we'll call it intuition for the time being - is absolutely present to serve you. Your body came equipped with this superpower for a reason so get behind the wheel of this thing and use it. It's also easy to get stuck in self-editing the information that comes in and perceive that it is your imagination. Like any child, though that is experiencing something fun that they don't want to end, they say "again". Or 'gain' or some variation of the word again. Sometimes so often that the adult will get tired way before the child does of playing this game or swinging them up in the air. Your intuition will usually respond to your directive of "again" meaning "please repeat the information". I say usually because they won't get in the way of free will and your choices reign supreme on this planet. Sometimes the information will be so surprising and potentially impactful that I think they think "Well, I already said it once, I'm not going to repeat it " or it could be that another phrasing of the information comes through. I'd say the same for the radio station in your head - do you know the one I mean? It will be the lyrics to a song that you haven't heard before or maybe you have that is another message from ye olde Universe. If you're not paying attention or haven't figured out where to apply that information, the volume may be turned up and you'll literally won't be able to get that song out of your head. Ah what fun, right? Along with the self-editing is the unwillingness to trust this partnership with the Universe. I would love to be able to tell you that it gets a lot easier and I guess it does a little. Like any muscle the more you exercise this one the stronger it gets until some days you're wanting to say "All right, already - I heard you the first time" - and know what a wonderful thing that is. The point is to keep at it, lean into the information you're getting, and stay ready for surprises. Ask for the information to be repeated if it's not clear to you and don't worry if it's not. A quote attributed to Albert Einstein - "It's easier to believe than not believe, in doing so you move everything into the realm of possibility." And rather than believe, I would substitute the word trust - it's easier to trust the Universe than not trust. In doing so you move everything into the realm of possibility." At least, that's how the Animals and I see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.