The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
Bandwidth Narrowing in Aging for All Species
Our vocalizations/language have so many generation-specific idioms and slang, that it's no wonder other species can't understand us. Leave it to the Animals to provide the perfect metaphor for the body's aging, when we may not understand the repetition of actions that soothe or new fears coming to light. It's just another phase in our journey together on Earth.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
In my work serving all species on the planet it continually both amazes and amuses me how Animals find a way to bridge the so-called communication gap between species so effortlessly. Language is truly no barrier because, with Energy as the go-to language, it's just a matter of finding that right expression of that language with which to ensure that the resonance of the thought or the emotion or the action vibrates in the right way and on the right frequency. And you know - when it's looked at in that way - it may feel or seem like more of a needle in a haystack kind of thing. At least to the human Animal which would be all of y'all with myself included. I mean, we can't even use our own dictionary and words correctly at times. Throughout history, we've come up with our own colloquialisms and slang terms just to confuse ourselves and to perhaps make each generation's mark on our human Animal vocalizations also known to use as language. Truthfully, if any ethologist who is someone studying the behavior of Animals were to study the human Animal and our vocalizations I'm not sure they'd be able to make heads or tails of them. So when I hear from Whale about their rolled eyes when it comes to our using AI to decipher their songs and to come up with sounds they make that mean the same thing in our language such as ice, food, and baby just to name a few, I think you can see their point. They are expressions to be sure of a vocal nature meant to underscore the Energy of a situation, a thing, etc. and it's the Energy of the thing that comes first. For our species we're looking at it you know what backwards and putting a high price on the language because we perceive ourselves to be all that and then some just because we think we have a language that sets us above and apart from all others. Little do we know the chatter that goes on about our species, I think - it might go something like "Bruh - did you hear that they're all calling each other "bruh" now? Or Bro? Like they're all related or something. Do you think we should take this as a good sign that they're moving in the right direction of actually being a family? Well, it's better that dude, right? Yeah, I think they still use dude though, or homie or fam or homeslice or - Sheesh! they have so many words for each other that keep changing! How are we to know exactly what they're talking about and what they mean to say? Aren't you glad that we just use Energy to commune with each other? True dat, we always keep it 100.
And because I and so many other human Animals like me serve as communicators between different species we sometimes receive very up-to-date idioms that the Animals know are part of our current lexicon that function as resonators of a kind which by definition increases the resonance itself of the vibration. Like with a musical instrument. Because the message or the conversation is already going through one person as in a game of telephone - do you all remember that game? Whispering something to someone next to you who has to repeat it verbatim to the next person and so on til you see what you end up with. Usually something very different than what you started out with. Even with one person involved in what needs to be a one-to-one conversation and hey don't get me wrong - I love what I do - there can be the chance for miscommunication. Because my experience serves as a kind of filter that may or may not be the exact same translation that another animal communicator might translate. And to be sure it's the same in any translation between languages for our species, that the exact translation isn't always the same as in the same language. There's a nuance that may or may not come through with the vocalizations themselves. And even then the individual interpretation between individuals may vary based on experience, right? You could say - "call your mom" and everyone hearing those 3 simple words could have different reactions, responses, or interpretations of just 3 words. It's incredible when you think about it how words can link us up to our nervous system in a way that's unparalleled on this planet. Except for Energy of course, and when we pay attention to the words themselves as well and whether or not those words are resonating for us. Because that's the gold standard, the true litmus test I think - whether what you hear rings true for you, talk about an idiom that has the backing of the sound of a word or a phrase that your body's 60+% water will respond positively or not so much in return. It's so much better when both vocalizations as well as resonance work together.
The bandwidth narrowing with aging phrase/resonator came along fairly soon after I started doing Animal communication and it happens as the podcast title indicates with all species. This is a planet whose design I certainly didn't have a say in, nor likely did any of you. I would have created something more akin to any of the star planets where my soul lineage is from and perhaps you all would have as well. It is a planet wherein the biological vehicles for our souls degrade over time until it stops functioning due to their lack of ability to continue to hold the essence of our souls safely and securely. And it's funny because I'm hearing even now from someone out there who's listening - when does it ever completely do that - and that's a true statement. The body itself is subject to injury, disease, and all manner of harm where it might heal itself and it might not. For sure this is a subject for a whole other podcast and I promise I'll get to that. This is a planet where for our species all parts of the body decline more or less in proportion to each other. So the cardiac and respiratory systems decline in the same manner as does the immune system or the skeletal system, etc. We're so terribly cute pretty much all of us when we're incarnated onto the planet and so terribly not cute at least physically when our bodies release our souls and do their business of being recycled back into the planet. Because while we may get off the planet at some point, our souls that is, the rest of us in human experience are stuck here well, forever.
It wouldn't be a surprise to realize that our nervous system and its components like the brain, our thoughts, and our emotions, also part of the nervous system, match the deteriorating plan of the physical vehicle. And as it so often happens, our mental and emotional acuity can decline as well in all species. And maybe it would be a surprise that your companion Animal can also have a similar decline which is most often seen absent having an Animal communicator tell you through their behavior. In Dogs, this may show up as increased reactivity or other sudden shifts in behavior the same goes for Cats, and perhaps their vocalizing much more late at night or during the day. My own sweet Lacey had the vocalization issue where our lovely family veterinarian now retired said - I think the problem is between her ears - meaning, her brain and her mental state. As a medical intuitive, I can see what healthy tissue looks like if that's what I'm shown by the Animals and this usually looks like a nice pretty Barbie pink. Organs or tissue that is infected or inflamed will show up as - you guessed it - red and if there's been a stroke or other incident the tissue will look grey if it has died because in truth it has. The language of Energy then with Animals for me in my experience all know exactly what to show me that will resonate. And it's not always a visual. Sometimes it's a word or a phrase, sometimes it's a feeling in my body, sometimes it's claircognizance which is just a knowing of a fact without being told that fact previously. Like I said, Animals are good at keeping up with our changes in vocalizations, slang, and current idioms so it was a picture of an electrical frequency that I was shown and while looking at that, I could see that the parameters of the graph holding that frequency were being moved towards the center. So in effect, they were narrowing or shrinking. I was being shown a bandwidth or the visual of an individual's energetic vibration and that for whatever reason - which is figured out soon enough - is shifting. What happens when we shrink bandwidth while the Energy stays the same? It compresses the Energy and makes sharper spikes in frequency where heretofore there had been smoother peaks and valleys. We also know that awareness of Energy coming into this vibration and frequency isn't as it was before because the bandwidth is narrowed. So what is a usually common experience for that being has now been moved awareness-wise outside of the bandwidth making the being see that other Energy as new, foreign, and at times, to be feared. This is when for older humans we might see repetition of actions that soothe being repeated over and over and fear of new actions, new faces, and new situations becoming more common. This is when for older Animals we would see a mirror of that same thing for them. There may be a repetition of actions that soothe being repeated and new situations, faces, etc. become fearful and maybe for the first time.
For all species it's important to rule out any medical or health issues to make sure that underlying health issues can be treated, that's number one. If that's already been done and if it's with an Animal, I often encourage the guardian to look back over the last 3-6 months to see if this behavior really did shift overnight or if maybe it's been coming on for quite some time. We spend our lives with them and with our families so changes in this bandwidth narrowing may be subtle at first and we're just not aware of the really small shifts in the beginning. When the behavior that's the resonator of the internal shift really gets loud looking back can provide a great deal of comfort to the guardian in putting some solidity to the new space of life path that our beloved Animal companion is in. So that we can be there with them and embrace this next phase of their life which we all know ultimately leads to transition. And yet, this phase can also be such a beautiful time of celebrating the end of their youth maybe as counterintuitive as that sounds. There is such a sweetness to the wisdom and the depth of soul path that an Animal reaches with us if we're lucky so that any narrowing of bandwidth either mentally or emotionally can be viewed as the first step in extending this runway of life with them in a different phase. That can be just as joyous if not more so as when they were first a puppy or the first day that they came into our lives because that most definitely is a choice, after all. At least, that's how the Animals see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.