The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
The Yawn of Yin and Yang
As far as numbers go, there simply aren't enough even with Googol-plex, to encompass the Energy contained in one simple circle of seemingly opposite partners. Each has an opposite ambassador of sorts (the small dots) to help us buy a clue about why this symbol sums up the entirety of Earth's Energy. Our job is to not put this round beauty into the otherwise square hole of human experience; rather to simply flow ala Dolphin and Whale.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a canine massage therapist and Reiki Master Teacher. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
Not surprisingly, balance has been popping up all over the place at least for me in the past couple of weeks. When I check in with the Animals about this, they almost rolled their eyes at me and at you because that's how that works, right? It was the yawn - which fits nice alliteration-wise kinda - that they put forward. Which translated means, nothing to see here, boring, let's move on. Because for Animals Energy moving between the light and its contrast as well as the small dots of the opposite being an integral part of each other, says it all. And if you sit with it for just a minute, you can perhaps begin to feel a resonance with your true essence as human Animal trapped a bit in the false constructs our species has created around this dynamic of flow, balance, and partnership. While at the same time, it holds space for unified duality - nothing is ever separate from anything else as much as we would like to think so.
The symbol itself is a masterpiece. Its circular shape evokes a feeling of calm with no sharp corners to navigate and who should step forward with that is Dolphin. Their physical forms have no sharp corners which means - as they say - "We glide through everything and nothing is anything we can't handle." Hmmm...Sounds like a question inside a puzzle, right? Whale glides forward slowly to nod their massive heads with Dolphin. They say - "Human perspective is what cuts into the calm as control isn't part of yin/yang. It would be different if it weren't a circle, or if the shapes of the light and its contrast were straight lines; they're not. They curve around each other so that everything inside of everyone matches the everything of everyone else." I can feel a slight pushback from my human experience to say - well, it's inside a circle. Isn't that control already? What if the yin/yang were not contained in the circle? Wouldn't that mean that we're able to grow more yin and make sure that yang gets smaller by our relentlessly hacking away at it over time? Even now, you might feel a pushback from our collective human experience - at least I do. My body tells me that these human thoughts go against the design of Earth Herself who, of course, isn't a square floating in space with sharp points and only straight lines. She's round, like the belly of a pregnant female who's about to give birth. And with that thought, I feel a sigh of release coming from the Animals around me who came to join in the conversation which means we've reached resonance with each other.
As we've said before, the way of this planet and her cycle of death, transition, rebirth is simply not going to change despite all of our best efforts. I think we've done our darndest to reshape the external representation of the planet what with our out-of-control number of members in our species that has outpaced the available resources that has, in turn, decimated the numbers of members of other species on whom we depend. And we're really good at changing the external circumstances to fit what we think our needs are. We take and cut down and burn and drain and build to suit ourselves without a thought for whomever else we might be taking from. From the center of the yin-yang symbol, we would be squarely - pun intended - in the middle of the contrast area and not even remotely close to the small dot of light. We tend to treat the external part of the planet as if she is something to conquer and take from and exploit in terms of knowing how she works for us continually, day in and day out, sunrise to sunset. We've plundered those mysterious ways and in the way that a haircut we're beginning to second-guess goes, does absolutely nothing to alter the innate temperament of the Earth. I'm hearing the screech of Eagle because they don't scream like Hawk does, they screech; the sound typically put in for Eagle in the movies, is Hawk. To be sure, both are apex predators and we might imagine that Eagle, being the larger of the two physically, would also sound more predator-like, instead of a sound that for sure is bird-like, yet nowhere near how we think Eagle sounds. Eagles are not only larger than Hawk, but they’re also much stronger. Hawks have an average grip force of around 200 pounds per square inch, which is pretty impressive until you consider that an eagle’s average grip force is twice as powerful–400 pounds per square inch. And that's just it, of course. As apex predators ourselves, the sounds that we make and the actions we take are considered by other species to be nowhere near what the other species know is our true essence and temperament.
Quoting from the link in the podcast notes - "The principle of Yin and Yang from Chinese philosophy is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites. Examples of Yin-Yang opposite forces are female-male, dark-light, and old-young. The pairs of equal opposites both attract and complement each other. The Yin and Yang principle dates from the 3rd century BCE or even earlier.
Yin and Yang is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy, medicine, and culture in general. As the Yin and Yang black and white circle symbol illustrates, each side has at its core an element of the other (represented by the small dots). Neither pole is superior to the other and, as an increase in one brings a corresponding decrease in the other, a correct balance between the two poles must be reached to achieve harmony. Humans naturally think that the light is superior to its contrast because we think in terms of duality rather than unified duality. We think good/bad, right/wrong, here/there, etc. That alone gets us out of balance with the whole of the Earth and every single species on it. We jettison the contrast existing as part of our organic temperament off the planet so we can elevate ourselves above all other species. And so we can tell ourselves - well, we're better doncha know, than any other species around us. We're so good at controlling our light's partner of contrast that we'll call ourselves out on it and say that it's a sin for which we must be forgiven. So that no matter how many times we do the same thing over again that we know hurts or destroys not only the balance that we see as being only light but the balance of others, it's okay. We'll say we're sorry, we'll feel bad about it, and magically, presto change-o, balance is restored. Not because we undid what we did or because we promise not to do that again, it's more of a - I'm sure I'll be forgiven for this tiny tiny thing in comparison to what Animals do to each other every day that I'm good to go. We forget that the living breathing Earth in her fullness feels everything we do and say as well as she has to readjust the balance somehow, somewhere on Earth. Energy does not exist in a vacuum, my friends. It will have a ripple effect everywhere on Earth and because our planet is pretty good-sized, these ripples can be embraced somewhere along the spectrum, past, present, and future.
To give a brief example of how the yin/yang functions, let's talk numbers as that's how humans tend to think in our 3-dimensional world that frankly could be 1 dimensional in comparison to the worlds, plural, in which other species play. Quoting from a link in the podcast notes - the power of 10 increases by three for each new number, which means you add three extra zeros to the end of the number to get the next number. For example, a billion is a 1 with nine zeros after it or: 1,000,000,000. Trillion, the next number, is a 1 with twelve zeros after it, or: 1,000,000,000,000. This pattern continues until you get to Ten-duotrigintillion, more commonly known as a Googol (yes, this is where search engine Google got their name from). There are no names for the numbers between Googol, Skewer's Number, Centillion, or Googolplex. You may have noticed that "zillion" is not on here. Zillion is not actually a real number; it's simply a term used to refer to an undetermined but extremely large quantity. Using the word zillion is one of my favorite things because I'll sometimes say - a zillion and one - just to give it some oomph. Just how exactly does this beautiful symbol of yin/yang explain that it's up to each member of each species on earth for generations to ensure that their balance of yin/yang remains stable and gosh, if we just focus on that, pretty much all would be well with the world, give or take a contrast or three. We typically associate yin with the feminine and the side of contrast - hello, patriarchy. Some adjectives to sum that up would be Moon, Water, Cold, Softness, Femininity, Passiveness, and Stillness. For yang, the adjectives would be Light, Sun, Fire, Warm, Hardness, Masculinity, Activeness, and Movement. So for just a second imagine how it would be without the Moon. All life forms on Earth are incompatible with 24 hours of sun, there has to be a reprieve from Sun at some point. The same goes with Water and Fire, Warm and Cold, etc. When you put them together as they're meant to be so - partners - it's much easier to feel the flow of Energy on the planet and - to a certain extent - the ho-hum of the balance. Because it's astonishingly simple. There are no complicated moving levers or parts to be replaced so the whole thing goes - it is simply present.
The Animals' use of yawn as an analogy for yin/yang is fathoms deep, of course. They don't do anything less than that especially if they want us to really absorb its beauty and grace. Because with yawn it serves multiple yin/yang objectives within the body. Regulates Brain Temperature: Yawning may help cool the brain, improving alertness and cognitive function.
Increases Oxygen Intake: It allows for a deeper inhalation, which can increase oxygen levels in the blood.
Promotes Social Bonding: Yawning can be contagious, fostering social connections and group cohesion.
Signals Transitions: It often occurs during transitions between states of alertness, such as waking up or preparing to sleep.
On the other side of the coin as I'm hearing referring to coins used in the I Ching, a yawn
Relieves Boredom or Fatigue: Yawning may serve as a signal that the body needs a change in activity or rest.
Enhances Alertness: It can temporarily increase alertness and readiness for action.
Indicates Stress or Anxiety: In some cases, yawning can be a response to stress or anxiety, helping to calm the body. So balance, right? However you think of the symbol of yin/yang it's far from boring. You're invited to surrender to your true nature and to choose what actions and what being-ness you want to inhabit on Earth. Honoring both partners - light and its contrast - is essential to handling human experience because too much of either is not a good thing and it won't work long-term on Earth.
And at least, that's how the Animals see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.