The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
Your Neurodivergence Superpower: The Spectrum of Energy Capacity
To thrive on this planet you must experience your abilities beyond the labels that have been put upon you such as HSP, ADD, ADHA, autism, etc. And to advocate from a different perspective for those in your care with similar labels. It's no coincidence a small percentage of soul paths necessitate this physical trait be genetically encoded from generation to generation. We are the leaders of and for Energy, the evolutionary superpower for our species; you must be and do you, authentically and powerfully.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a canine massage therapist and Reiki Master Teacher. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
It's almost a guarantee that new clients who come to me will have the trait of high sensitivity as part of their session. I think part of it is that these folks have already sensed on some level of their body that there's more to life than this third dimension so they go searching for someone or something else that validates that for them. Like wanting to know when their beloved Animal companion is going to transition and what the Animal thinks about that overall. Or like wanting to connect with a partner or perhaps a child - I've had a few of those - who've transitioned suddenly and there's a lack of information and closure about that. So to validate these individuals about their energetic experience, I open the door to the room of high sensitivity and turn on the light. So that they can feel more comfortable in who they are and how they are on this planet. Interestingly, it was Carl Jung who originally came up with the label of innate sensitivity. Here's a quote from him in 1913 - "This excessive sensitiveness very often brings an enrichment of the personality. . . . Only, when difficult and unusual situations arise, the advantage frequently turns into a very great disadvantage, since calm consideration is then disturbed by untimely effects. Nothing could be more mistaken, though, than to regard this excessive sensitiveness as in itself a pathological character component. If that were really so, we should have to rate about one-quarter of humanity as pathological." As I've said before, I rather wish it was revised overall to be the highly sensitive body in order to give humans room to maneuver that divine space between body and soul; if we say highly sensitive person, you can see how it tends to put one into the very category like the astrological signs in which we stamp people with a code that's usually negative. For instance - you're so sensitive, jeez - can't you just take a joke for once? Or - you're such a Sagittarius, that's exactly what a Virgo would say - can't you let go of the details for once? You see where I'm going with this. To a certain extent I think that's part of our herd biology because, to other members of our herd, we stick out. We're different and different in a herd can impact the safety of the herd overall. So we're ostracized. Sometimes a little and sometimes a lot! In truth just like the trait of high sensitivity, statistics show that only between 10-20% of humans identify as neurodivergent in that their body processes information differently than the other 80=90% of the population. In one of the article links in the podcast notes, it's interesting that neurodiversity which is such a fabulous term for this neurological processing, seems to be more focused on the brain vs. the whole nervous system and that's just my take - I'm open to be corrected if that's not the case. Naturally, the Animals chime in with - "there you go with your separating one part of the body from the other. Everything works together and we argue that the brain is as evident in the tip of your pinky finger as it is between your ears; one part connects to the other faster than you can say 115197 ft/sec (3560 m/sec)." I googled the scientific interpretation of how fast, the Animals don't worry themselves with such facts, they just live it.
When I was first starting out in my career, I came across an article specific to individuals identified with being on the autism spectrum and so the link in the podcast notes is a bit dated - 2009 - yet I saved it because in my professional experience the more I could broaden the scope of organic acceptance of how bodies respond to Energy, the better. The short of a long story was that groups of kids were subjected to blood draws as one might have in a doctor's office. Then they were hooked up to EKG machines as well as had their blood pressure and breathing monitored during what is usually a stressful event for kids. Not surprisingly to me but apparently surprising to the authors of the study, it was the bodies of the kids who were identified as having autism - as defined by humans - that reacted much more strongly than the kids who were not identified as having autism. And it was also likely the outward behaviors of the autism-identified kids that if we were to just go by that may not have indicated such a response. They may not be verbal they may not move around much yet it was this study that struck me so much about the assumptions we make when we observe others without talking with them. We could certainly conclude that because the kids identified with autism exhibited no outward signs of discomfort per se, they were equally shut down to the stimuli of pain and stress. After all, if we can't see it, how do we know it's there? We judge them by saying, "Well, they don't say much anyway, I don't hear their emotions and they don't hug me so I don't think they feel much." Which on a side note, this is my issue with ethology - the study of the behavior of Animals. Yes, we can deduce information from the behavior of all Animals on the planet when we observe them, but how are we going to know how they are if we don't talk with them to understand their experience in a very different body from ours? The very same thing goes for other labels of ADD, ADHD, etc. that we put on kids in particular. I maintain that their physiological level of stimulation is set even lower than the 20 percent of those who identify as highly sensitive. Because of that and in order to survive on planet Earth they have no choice except to shut down their feedback system to additional external stimulation. They take in so much more Energy than the rest of us do so their nervous system may choose not to need to continue the ongoing loop of external stimulation say with other humans. I maintain this is why Animals can be so facilitative for humans with this kind of neurodivergence because there's no poking and prodding by the Animal to give back in a sense an external validation of being one with the herd. The Dog or Cat or Bearded Dragon just lets them be and embraces where they are on the spectrum, if you will, of Energy. All because a different species than ours understands the benefits of unified duality with balance and partnership. There's very little judging or insistence that they must be like one species or another and there's very little setting them apart with a typically negative label. Every other species on the planet from Ant to Blue Whale understands that everyone plays a role and each individual is honored for that role. When that happens there can be a collective that rises above survival and gets to - my made-up word - thrival.
Quoting from the article about neurodiversity - "Neurodivergence is the term for when someone's brain processes, learns, and/or behaves differently from what is considered "typical."
Formerly considered a problem or abnormal, scientists now understand that neurodivergence isn’t inherently an issue for the individual and that it has a large societal benefit. Not all presentations of neurodivergence are a disability, like synesthesia, but all are a difference in how the brain works. With this shift, practitioners are no longer treating neurodivergence as inherently an illness. They are instead viewing them as different methods of learning and processing information, some of which become disabilities in an inaccessible and ableist society. The term neurodiversity was coined by sociologist Judy Singer, who is autistic, in 1997. Neurodiversity can be broken down into two categories of people: those who are neurotypical and those who are neurodivergent." I dunno about you, even in this article promoting a more diverse view of how individuals are unique, there's labeling. There's a setting apart, a division between what's neurotypical - the other 80 percent of the population, and what's neurodiverse, you and me and the other 20 percent of the population. I didn't get from the article the fact that this may be a genetic trait as is stated with another label, that of the trait of high sensitivity. I'll put a link in the podcast notes to Elaine Aron's website that of the highly sensitive person that carries forward the broader work of Jung. There's a quiz on the website and I encourage everyone to take it and if you have kids, I'd encourage your kids to take it as well. It's of extraordinary help to say about yourself - "I have a body that is (either) highly sensitive or neurodivergent" and to be honest, I prefer the latter now, neurodivergent. I introduced this concept to both of my sons when they were in middle school and I'd like to think that it helped them throughout the rest of their years spent in traditional public schooling. The fact that we put kids into large groups of say 25-30 for 6-8 hrs per day who happen to be neurodivergent and expect them - without information - to ignore their body's warnings of too much Energy/information/input is ridiculous. It's a situation where their threshold of stimulation gets breached which puts the body into reactive/defense mode. The body thinks it's under attack from the environment so to preserve itself, it may send messages of claustrophobia, blurred vision, anxiety, etc. to the owner of the body. If you're a kid and you don't understand what's happening, you are going to get up and move. You may react with defensive behavior that looks and acts fierce and combative - because you're reacting to your body. We do such a disservice to our young by not giving them a better owner's manual for their own bodies and we do that because our parents likely didn't do that for us either. My mom, when discovering that she also had the trait of high sensitivity toward the end of her life - another story for another time - said "Oh, I always hated that about myself and I never wanted any of you kids to turn out that way." Wowsa - imagine the message I received.
And here's the thing. You have a choice about your neurodivergence. Don't get me wrong - you can't change this about yourself any more than you can change the color of your eyes or the size of your feet. Your body was created this way in your momma's womb and on a soul level, you chose this. Likely because you were meant to inhabit such a body throughout lifetimes. The choice I'm referring to is responding vs reacting to the input of Energy your body gives to you. Your body thinks you need this information and because it can send more input on the average, it's going to do that. I'm seeing it's similar to a vase that holds water - the larger the reservoir of water and in this case size of Energy capacity - the more Energy and water are going to seek their own level. What does that mean for you when your neurodivergent body is overwhelmed and simply incapable of any more input? Well, you can acknowledge what's going on. "Gosh, my body feels all jangly nerve-wise, I'm having trouble sleeping and I'm feeling anxious." The best next question is - "What might be causing my body to react this way?" Work was a beast this week, my partner and I were arguing quite a bit and the Dog/Cat/Bearded Dragon is sick. You might even be feeling the density of just these last statements even though that's not happening for you. The next question is - "What can I shift to lessen the load on my body?" My choices would be reconciling with my partner and getting answers/treatment for my Animal companions. Work would be a distant third for me. It's also helpful to ask - "Why am I reacting to this situation at home or work the way that I am? How can I shift that to a chosen response?" This is where the superpower of neurodivergence comes in. Let's face it - you get more information about most situations than most people in the form of Energy. Before someone opens their mouth to tell you who they are, you are probably able to sense it and of course, that's the additional challenge. Because your body may already be on overwhelm, that information may fly by or it may appear larger than what it really is like the side view mirror on your car. Still, you get to choose how and to whom you'll respond. Can you snap at the slower-than-normal cashier because your body is tired and you just want to get home? Sure, that's a choice. Can you yell at your partner for a small infraction of a violation like forgetting - again - to squeeze the toothpaste tube from the bottom? Sure, that's a choice. My argument is that only by becoming observant of all the Energy around you in a neutral way vs. a knee-jerk reaction can you utilize this superpower of sensory information that's always going to be accompanied by Universal wisdom. If you choose to continue a less-than-joyful interaction of Energy, you'll continue to get what you put out there. Because it's an interesting question of why this genetic sequence of neurodivergence keeps on replicating in a segment of our population. We're meant to be drawn to the things that make our hearts skip a beat because we feel them so strongly. We're meant to lead the way in these areas and let others see how to do that. We're meant to sense what can't be put into words for those who cannot speak for themselves and to become their advocates in ways that seem magical to others and are really just a reflection of our neurodivergence. What if we were to flip those statistics around and say that 80 percent of the human Animal species are neurodivergent and are able to sense without words what's needed by another of our species? Well, to quote a song - what a wonderful world that would be. And at least, that's how the Animals see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.