The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
The Neurodivergence of Earth: You're in Good Company - Part Two
Rather than be boxed up and set aside with the label 'not fitting in', the Earth requests your presence in Energy. You are here to be seen as no less than the rhythm of the Elements when they respond over time to the choices made by every species. So too, your responses vs. your reactions are crucial to your path forward as you partner more closely with Earth Herself.
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a canine massage therapist and Reiki Master Teacher. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
I honestly didn't intend to write a part two about neurodivergence and you all know how this goes by now - the Universe had other plans. My planned topic from brainstorming was "your warm, fuzzy, vicious Animal self" which is postponed until two weeks from now and the Animals can't wait for that one. You know to share all about our vicious selves that we all like to think are nothing but warm and fuzzy or is that fizzy and of course that joke is courtesy of the Animals. Then again, if something else comes up in the meantime which I already have a hunch it will, we'll follow the lead of Energy as per usual. It was the phenomenon of Baader-Meinhof otherwise known as the frequency illusion. This cognitive bias occurs when something you've noticed or recently learned suddenly appears everywhere. As in a new car, you're thinking about buying, being pregnant, etc. This is made up of two parts - selective attention and confirmation bias. When you learn something new or find something interesting, your brain deems it as important. This triggers your brain to subconsciously look for that thing without actively thinking about it. For example, if you learn a new word, your brain will subconsciously look for it, and you might start noticing it in books, articles, or conversations - this is selective attention. Confirmation bias happens when you start to believe that something is more prevalent because you are seeing it more often, even if the frequency hasn't increased. After all, you are seeing it more often, even if the frequency hasn't increased. Now comes the crazy part -Interestingly, the term "Baader-Meinhof phenomenon" has nothing to do with the person who researched it or any scientific background. Instead, it is named after a West German terrorist group, the Baader-Meinhof gang, active in the 1970s. The name was coined in 1994 by a commenter on the St. Paul, Minnesota, Pioneer Press online commenting board. The commenter had heard two references to the Baader-Meinhof gang within 24 hours and decided to name the frequency illusion after them. If you were expecting the vaulted halls of science to be behind such a term, think again. The link to the article from which I am quoting is in the podcast notes.
Beyond this phenomenon is also AI hard at work because in the podcast two weeks ago about neurodivergence it's safe to say that numerous cookies from like-minded websites and Instagram, twitter accounts, etc., were activated. Because I was doing a bit of research into the topic and wanted to make sure the information that I was sharing was on the up and up as the kids like to say. Nevertheless, and despite this selective attention and confirmation bias, I also see a nudge from ye olde Universe as if to say, "Yeah, you're not done with this topic just yet. There is more to share and the people want to hear more about this." Which is how I'm interpreting it so here it is, part two in all its glory because part of what the nudges were about were some misalignments within human experience from other people who are just as passionate about neurodivergence as I am. I say misalignments because whenever possible I think it behooves us to think of ourselves as human Animals and not as human beings. The former tends to expand our viewpoint while the latter tends to - at least from the Animals' perspective - narrow it into a human-centric and other-animal-exclusionary space. The typical human hierarchy of us at the top and everyone else below us is flattened out and we move from an ego-system to an ecosystem. If you search the interwebs for ego-systems and click on images, one of the first you'll see is a triangle of ego-systems and next to it, an ecosystem of a circle which is pretty cool gets the point home beautifully. As I say in my podcast signoffs I have a social media presence on several platforms and the two pieces of information that I received came from Instagram and X-twitter and as I say, in my and the Animals' opinion, the message to the rest of humankind was misaligned. Because it didn't honor the body first and foremost and the phenomenal powerhouse of wisdom that it is and over which humankind's collective head most of this wisdom flies. In the midst of my getting 'pinged' which like the other technical Energetic term of 'squishy' tells you everything you need to know - I kid of course - it led me naturally to broaden my scope of perspective to Earth Herself. And immediately there was a view of the elements of Earth, Water, and Air which in turn connected to our quote-unquote weather patterns that are continuing to shift and et voila - it became clear - at least to me in my world where they know me well - that Earth was the very essence of neurodivergent. And that it was important to share this perspective with other neurodivergencees - ie, all y'all who identify as such - to further increase your comfort and connection in this human experience with your essence as being - I'm hearing - a twin to that of Earth. Just as all other species have with Earth.
The first piece of information came from Instagram and a person was talking about how there is a misfire of sorts between the out-of-date physical form aka, the body, and the brain of a neurodivergent person. And that because there was a mismatch there would likely be feelings of being out of place, pressure, anxiety, etc. because the body isn't equipped to process such - my word - Energy. This can be seen in a framework of still giving the same kind of 'other' label to someone whose body doesn't allegedly work properly, at least that's my take. Because it also seemed to plug directly into the philosophy and identification of the word neurodivergent itself where the blame if you will is placed on the brain and how it processes information. From the perspective of the Animals, this reality is a multi-lane freeway of incredibly fast information that zips up and down the body placing information here and there from the nervous system's input, not just the brain. The nervous system has two main parts - the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system that includes the brain, the spinal cord, and a whole network of nerves across the body itself. This post was almost branching off of the whole humans have a reasoning brain/mind that sets us apart from all other species about which the Animals frankly scoff and say, "What good has that done you or us for that matter, this elevation of the brain? Seems to us that very little of the knowledge you espouse to possess as part of your brains individually or collectively has made its way into actual wisdom that you can pass along to the next generation. As an example, the variations among individuals in any species simply add to the overall richness that can be folded into the collective and in turn, deepens the broad spectrum of experience for the whole species. Each Leopard does not have the same pattern of spots nor does each Zebra have the same pattern of stripes. Each Bat while equipped with the same general echolocation apparatus chooses to share their choices and experience with the whole colony because it is the whole colony that is of utmost importance. You seem to be fixated on both elevating and denigrating your natures by ostracizing in so many different ways those among you who are simply as individual as you are." In other words, it's best to consider the body as a whole operation whose systems work together as an entire entity and not parts as in a car where the carburetor is seen to be better than the tires or the steering wheel.
The second piece of information came from X-Twitter which is something that I've heard before in self-defense of those who have a neurodivergent body. And that was the standard cliche that we absorb other people's feelings so they're to blame - in a sense - for having feelings at all. Because if they didn't have them, we wouldn't feel them so quit it already with the feelings things! Oy vey! Honestly, this one more than any other standard victimizing of neurodivergent bodies either by someone else or ourselves gets me going. Because nothing is ever gained when you make yourself out to be the victim of anything regardless of whether or not you are. This seemed to be another disconnect from the body itself and an abdication of responses vs reactions to Energy input. It is a truth with our lowered threshold of stimulation that we are going to pick up on the energies of others, whether that's physically, emotionally, or mentally. We also do not have to respond which may seem to run counter to who we think we are, yet that is a choice to respond at all. The reaction is purely a matter of physics and Energy where the body is concerned. Rain falls and something gets wet. Snow falls and streets get icy. It's literal cause and effect yet we seem to want to lean into the "but I can't help it" thingy when in fact our response is completely within our management. I think it's better to be authentic and say, "Gosh, I was completely undone by that kid at daycare crying for their mom. I felt that so deeply and it reminded me of how distant my mom was with me and how I never thought we connected." Ah - now we're getting somewhere. Versus - "Oh that kid at daycare crying for their mom made me so sad and weepy all day long. I had much more trouble working with the kids in my class because all I thought of was that kid." See the difference? It is absolutely crucial that you know what your hooks are when deeply emotional information comes in so that you can feel it, observe it, and know above all else - that it isn't yours and will not ever be yours. Unless of course, you choose for it to be yours. And yes, that calls for maybe a mental firmness or severity that may feel foreign to you or unnatural. The question becomes then - what else are you missing when you take someone else's feelings and make your feelings about that a priority? Because that's what's happening when you say you absorb other people's feelings - it's a bit of a covert narcissism trap that I hope you don't fall into.
As far as the Earth Herself goes, I'm hearing a "Gurl, let me tell you all about it!" And some hurricanes and tornados and fires and earthquakes are increasing all in response to - not a reaction - our inept handling and labeling of Earth in human-centric ways. If we were to have reactions the weather patterns would be so much more unstable given the obvious possible knee-jerk reactions. Earth always chooses a response because so much hangs in the balance of her reaction or overreaction to any species' and actions thereof. She has to manage rainforests and deserts and mountains and valleys and rivers and streams and oceans and mammals and plants and trees and insects etc. etc. etc. She doesn't have time to become overly involved in the feelings of others because she knows her role in the big scheme of things. She doesn't have time to label other plants or any species on Earth as being not of Her or being different. She knows every single cell of every single being who walks on her skin intimately and she knows that she is here to serve every Earthling. Talk about a lowered threshold of stimulation! She gives birth on the regular and still manages to hold it together absent an occasional outburst yet even she may be running out of both time and available resources. Because she knows Herself so well she understands Her place and her value and her positive aspects that are illuminated through the contrast. It's not a system that can be changed, this planetary design. Yet she chooses to embrace Herself and all of the rest of us because she knows bone-deep who she is and how important she is to the rest of us. I think she would love nothing more than for you to align yourself with her in all of your glorious imperfections so that together you can continue to know yourselves and be one with Her in service to yourself and to those around you to whom you are called. And at least, that's how the Animals see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.