The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
An intuitively channeled perspective (animal communication) from the 8.7 million other species with whom humans share the planet using the master language of energy. No topic is off limits because they seek to restore balance to our partnership with them upon which all lives on Earth depend.
The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn
Your Unified Duality: Thinking About Emotions
We're taught as human Animals to hold the brain above the heart and to elevate thoughts above emotions. It may sound counterintuitive, but the more you think about what you're feeling and why, the closer you can shift to a more comfortable middle ground. This won't stop feelings or thoughts from being present; it will help you to feel better and more secure in human Animal experience, which is the whole point of your being here on Earth. Serve yourself first!
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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."
I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that
the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval
to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the Animals' iView podcast.
Happy New Year, everybody! How's your 2024 treating you 4 days into it? Anyone having a rough start? Anyone having a relatively easy start? Anyone having a mix of the two? How did your last year end and how do you think this last year went for you? What were your challenges and what were your triumphs? Did anything stay pretty much the same that you wanted to feel shift in? Did anything change that you couldn't imagine changing and now that it has, do you still want it so badly to have stayed the same? What about your body? How did your body do overall last year? Did any major health issues occur? Did any minor health issues occur? What about the health of your family, including your Animal family members? Did anything change for them either pro or con? What about your view on your life's accomplishments so far? How are those going? Are you pretty much where you thought you'd be after X years on Earth or are you further ahead or maybe you think you're further behind? What about your worldview? Did that change any in this past year? Do you see or feel about others in our species differently or pretty much the same as last year? Do you see or feel about the Animals differently than you did last year? What about Plants, Trees, and other flora on the planet? Do you see or feel differently about them or say microorganisms differently than you did last year? I wouldn't want anyone to feel overwhelmed by these questions and at the same time, I think it's so very helpful to be able to pull these issues up as if they're written on cue cards for you. Like they're written in black and white and can't harm you because they're written in black and white. So that you can do your research into your own life and keep treading water on a planet that needs your very unique Energy now more than ever. Your soul is not replicated anywhere on this planet nor is your biological form, aka your body. It's just so important that you continue to stick around - for yourself and I daresay for the rest of us. We need you!
I have a hunch that probably with even the first two questions about how 2024 is treating you thus far and any rough or easy starts that likely caused some angst on your part. Because in spite of what you've been taught as descendants of a very very long line of our species about the power and the prowess of our mental acumen and being set apart because of this ability to reason from other species, it's not the thought that hurts. It's how you feel about the thought that can - key word - cause you angst. Conversely, it's thinking about the feelings about those thoughts that will show you your innate ability to shift the initial thought and those attached feelings as well as the processing thoughts and feelings. If you can picture a spiral being drawn starting at the center point and as it unwinds itself, so to speak, there's more air and more space in between those circular lines. Because the goal isn't to abandon the thought entirely, the goal and I use that term loosely because I also want to stay away from the idea of "work" as much as possible. The goal or better yet, the intention is to observe the thoughts, feelings, and overall pattern. It doesn't mean you're not going to feel or think and cmon, you wouldn't really want that right? Because if you did flip that switch and I don't know how you could as a neurologically and richly wired human Animal on Earth only use logic ala, Mr. Spock, that in itself is illogical. Because news flash, your body isn't made that way. It's deliberately made to bring you all of the feels for your brain to process because another news flash, your brain doesn't like being in charge. And as the mind is a concept outside of the body we've created for ourselves as a species as part of our escape pod from Earth, you're left with the brain which is good with higher math, firing synapses, etc. and even it recognizes that it's not completely in charge. Why else would the heart be on an entirely separate electrical system from the brain if the two weren't meant to work together? Come to think of it that seems like a buy-a-clue from Vanna idea that on this planet everything works with everything else regardless of any perspective or perception that you can go it alone yourself. No other species on Earth thinks or feels this way - and we think they're dumb?!
Some of you might be saying - Lizanne, I have enough on my plate as it is working two jobs, three kids in school, and my marriage or partnership strained at its limits to start thinking about the Animals, Plants, and Trees. The same goes for other members of my species even those innocents who are being murdered by differing political systems of belief halfway across the planet. What do they have to do with me keeping my life together so that I can be a halfway decent coworker, parent, partner, and even sometimes friend because at the end of the day, I don't even have the time or the energy for those who I like, my friends? And I would counter with as would every other Animal being with this statement: "How you do your life is entirely dependent upon how much grace and compassion you extend to others. Even at a distance because everything works better with Energy as it was intended to be used. As a tool to hold space for others." I think as humans we get so caught up in the doing aspect of our lives - witness the above statement regarding two jobs, etc. and not enough time at all on the being aspect of our lives. And just how very little Energy it takes to think of others and set pure intention to simply hold space and extend compassion for where they are. I'm not talking about navel gazing per se and I'm not talking about spending 25+ minutes in meditation every day. Then again, if that gets it done for you then great - fabulous for you! Given the above scenario and speaking inequitable terms, I think a fair number of humans would be happy to get 5 minutes of just peace for themselves every day. And this is exactly what the Animals encourage you to do every single day as it's available to you. Take 5 minutes and when they say take 5 minutes, that may end up being what you do - taking away 5 minutes from what you perceive as your responsibilities and tasks and duties and giving it back to yourself. As attributed to the Buddha - "You, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection." It's impossible to draw water from an empty well and as counterintuitive as you've been taught, especially women in our patriarchy, you must give back to yourself first. Is it just me or does anyone else see the give and take, yin and yang, contrast and light of this sentiment?
We think that if we think less about ourselves we'll have more to give others and I think I hear the Animals talking in a rather forceful chorus. "You are first and foremost an individual light for whom you and you alone are responsible for nurturing. You cannot forget yourself in the grand scheme of things because you are, after all, an integral part of it. Does that mean when things go bad you're bad? No. Does that mean when things go good you're good? No. The whole of it doesn't really matter as it ebbs and flows. What does matter most is your response to its direction. Your response to the direction of the Earth, all Her beings, our partnership and balance with each other - that's what matters most. And how you respond to any shifts in direction sets the direction in which you want to go." That's a bit to unpack and let's take a stab at it, for the sake of 2024, shall we? Cycle back to those questions about how your 2024 was starting out and how your 2023 ended. I'm not a big fan of regressing anyone or anything and I do think that review and revisit is perfectly okay. Start with your health - how was your 2023? Were there shifts that you noticed? Did you gain weight, lose weight, start to work out more, or decrease the amount of time you exercised? Notice how as you take stock of your body and its journey with you, a beloved partner, you can be aware of the peaks and valleys of thought that are revealed by emotion. "Oh yeah, I gained weight and yeah, I decreased the amount of time I exercised." It could very well be the opposite and the thing is, this isn't a comparison. This is meant to reveal to you that you get to choose how far you'll go you where maintaining your body is concerned as well as anything else in your life. It ends and begins with you because as a being on this planet, you begin and end by yourself - just a little old you! For me, I can say yes, I did gain weight and yes, I did decrease the amount of time I exercised. From there I can get to extending grace to myself on my journey thus far with MS and the possibility that the meds that I'm on contributed to that. It's not a pass or blame or defense or judgment - it's just information for me to sit with. Neutrally and with clarity. The decrease in exercise definitely yes because the rebound effect of that good exercise was not as beneficial the next day. Meaning, my body was being more negatively impacted via immune system response than it was gaining benefits in strength training. I could tell because of the more painful my movements were after exercise the next day rather than feeling better. So, this needed to shift for me. Why would I continue to ignore my body's needs? I could keep banging my head against that brick wall and all I'd end up with was a bloody forehead and a headache! So rather than a stay with yes or stay with no as it well that worked, that didn't work, it's all about flowing with that Energy on a continuum. So that you don't stay with any one thought or any emotion too long and especially when they don't feel good! The Animals are yelling again - in truth, they were before, I just wanted to make it sound better - "It's why you were given a superb feedback system with your body! It tells you when to not touch the hot stove and still - you touch the hot stove!! Tell us again, how you're smarter than we are!" They're right, you know - it's not rocket science, far from it. It is, however, a discipline that you can move into, one step at a time. Yeah, it's a practice, yeah it's not all fun and games and what do you have to lose anyway? Discomfort, pain, lack of self-esteem. What do you have to gain? Grace, compassion, and love, always starting with yourself first. From there, pick a ripple of Energy on the planet that, once you're feeling more steady in yourself, could use an intention, an offering of compassion. A holding of space for their journey - that's all the Animals ask of each other and it's time we start to do that, too. At least, that's how the Animals see it.
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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.