The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Angels, Socks and Gloves: One Way In, and Close is Better

Lizanne Flynn Season 5 Episode 19

Only the Angels would offer the analogy of socks and gloves to our relationships with them because their perspective is very down to Earth. They urge us to stop asking for things to happen or not happen and to begin with a closer relationship with Energy altogether. You know, from the inside out like how socks and gloves fit so closely with our human experience.

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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."

I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul in their planetary experience. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that 

the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval 

to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the Animals' iView podcast.


Right out of the gate and in full transparency, my relationship with the Angelic realm as we might call it is episodic. While I don't think anyone can have too many decks of oracle cards to play with and

use when analysis paralysis of human experience comes on, I have not ever been drawn to buying a deck of Angel cards. When I think about it, I feel that there's not enough "oomph" for me in this

dimension. By oomph, I refer to a sensation of solidity, of being wholly present throughout dimensions to include this 3rd one on Earth. And as well as having corporeal or physical form before or now on

Earth or another planet. 

There's a lack of resonance for me that could be due to my sun

sign being Capricorn and an Earth sign and my soul path grounded, literally to Earth. It also could be that I perceive Angels through a lens of religious connotation having their identities drilled into me

through catholic indoctrination through college, admittedly. Whatever the case, my human experience is simply not of that vibration on the regular and I think it's great for people who do feel that 

vibration. The more diversity of Energy through human experience, the better.

Because that's what matters most, right? How it feels to your body and by extension you. I do think it's important to separate out any underlying belief systems from the energetic fingerprint of Angels

themselves because that's up for individual interpretation. How AA Michael speaks to and works with one person might be quite different than how they speak and work with someone else. Yes, there

will likely be common themes among these interpretations that resonate for you. I'll likely repeat myself with this resonance thingy as I do with spelling just because it's so important to your unique

human experience. Take what fits and leave the rest. If you're not familiar with say AA Gabriel or Ariel should they appear, head to ye old interwebs to see what resonates. When they make an

appearance in your life and/or if you feel particularly resonant with that and again, absent a belief system that says asking them for something or working with them gives you a special kind of oomph

yourself in human experience. We can get like that, our species, especially in the metaphysical community and I also am of the opinion that we can get stuck in the practice of a certain type of Energy. Where

it becomes us rather than it calling to us because we already are it. I think the multi-dimensional space of Energy is large enough to hold a plethora of services and offerings of empowering and

realigning experiences. I'm in the midst of another FGO - effing growth opportunity - as humans call it myself, in learning how to write for humans. Sure I know the subject matter fairly well and yet 

presenting it in such a way over a long form such as a book makes me feel like I'm just starting out again in my "practice". I'd rather keep it light as in not heavy or stuck and truth be told, when I hear

"Oh you're an animal communicator" my personality sits up a bit and I usually add - I'm also a medium, medical intuitive, etc. I'd rather let the Animals and whoever else wants to surprise me

to do just that. It will only make all of the forms and modalities about which I already have knowledge that much deeper because my own planetary experience is getting that much deeper. 


The episodic nature of my experiences with the Angelic realm has come in the form of archangels who can maybe referred to as the "heavy hitters" of the Angelic realm although to whom you talk 

about that will vary, naturally. Wikipedia says they're the second lowest rank of angel in Christianity and in Judaism, the prefix "ark" spelled arch, means princes and the highest ranking angels.

That group may include Michael associated with protection, Gabriel associated with communication, Raphael associated with healing, and Uriel associated with wisdom. This group is also considered

by some to be the guardians of the 4 corners of our world and just like Pluto, Uriel is also sometimes not considered to be part of the 4. There are others beyond these 4 of course, and I would encourage

you to buy a deck of oracle cards to which you are drawn and knock yourself out with getting acquainted with them. I've had AA Michael come into a client session or three especially early on in my

career and it was a really interesting clairsentient experience. Imagine if Shaquille O'Neal himself teleported into a small room and landed with a "whoomp" in one corner of the room. For me, I could

feel the vibration that size 22 feet would make and his energetic field would be quite large. He wouldn't do anything, he just stood watch and after the first or second time, I understood that his coming

in, unbidden by me, was an indication that I was perhaps in a bit of a sketchy energetic area and that I needed to be ultra aware. I wasn't fearful when he came in, it was more of a "huh. Welp, Michael's

here so that means something." I didn't really care what it meant, I didn't ask him for anything, his presence in coming in meant more than enough about how benevolent this Universe was, is, and will

continue to be in my experience. Just as it's meant to be the same for everyone else. AA Ariel is another frequent visitor as she is the guardian of Nature and as a shoutout to personal pronouns, I

think the we/ours/whatever applies here as well. Sometimes they may appear male and other times female at least to those of us on Earth and that's part of the mystical quality about them. As with

most guides or spirit partners who happen to step in, I usually say that if they want you to know who they are, they'll tell you. With AA Michael for me, I probably felt the word "Michael" and with 

AA Ariel, I heard her name and felt a decidedly feminine energy as well as usually see her wings wrapping around my shoulders as in a hug. For everyone else, this will be predicated on your life

path as well as soul path. The default identification for our species is individual and so, I perceive, the realms and dimensions of all Energetic beings who are in service to this planet, roll with that. It's

far easier, I'm hearing, to go with the flow than against the stream and try to re-educate millions of us. They're so eager to support and guide that they'll take any opening we give them. What we do

with that, of course, is entirely up to us, via free will. Which naturally gets us into a heckuva lot of trouble at least from their perspective. "You're so stubborn, the lot of you, that a Homing Pigeon has

a better chance of finding their home (center) than any of you do. Only when your internal GPS is oriented to our walking amongst you providing comfort and warmth will you begin to trust the

experience rather than rely on what someone else has told you." And I just gotta say, this message, is of the same inside-out kind that I associate with the vibration of the Angelic realm. In the world of

musical notes, I will sometimes hear two octaves above middle C as on a piano when I'm working with Angelic Energy. To be sure, not all Energy is the same, it is diverse and varied and suited for a

particular matching vibration and frequency. We have so much of it at our disposal that rather than ask for it, I'm sensing that it's better to simply be expectant that this Energy is already present and

perhaps just waiting for the right time.


Sometimes with Universal guidance including that quite specific Angelic energy, I think that it helps to be just a bit air quotes lazy. The lazy part

 is about the contrast that partners so well with human experience. It's about waiting on the Universe to peel you a grape, fix you a cup of tea, or cook you something so outrageously

decadent that you'd never do that for yourself. It's about being expectant without expecting. One is a state of being the other is a list. One is when your effort aligns with the intention of  

the Universe giving me all kinds of support and when I least expect it Expectant is not I expect that this will happen or I expect that this is what that

person will do or I expect that I'll be respected at work when X Y and Z happens or I expect that if I do what they want they'll love me. It's about understanding that less doing and going means we're

making room for magic to slide right into our DMs and knock us off our feet by being expectant. By definition, it's an excited feeling that something good is going to happen and more often than not for

me with Animals, it's that I will partner with them in building better relationships with their guardians. I don't have a list, I know that it will happen and probably most importantly, they're in charge.

I'm following their lead so thus, the lazy part. I get all the credit which I openly pass along to them all of the time. I know that the less I do, the more will happen. I'm not invested in what will happen,

I know that whatever is meant to be will happen. And of course, maybe relaxed is a better word than lazy although even with relaxed there may be some questions of "How do you do that?" Which I

can't explain, really, because in my experience this is how it happens. In another's experience, it may be different, and yet, the Animals are stepping in with - "How often do you see us stressed or 

even thinking that we're not doing enough?" I daresay we don't see that so their point is well taken.


The thing is, we're so indoctrinated into the habit of nothing will get accomplished and I won't accomplish anything unless I do, do do! So

 instead of focusing on the be-ing part of our energetic field that powers our human experience, the relaxed or the lazy part, we focus on the gains that we're making in the human experience itself. 

Without really listening to or

deciphering or more importantly applying what we receive as support from the Universe and at times, Angels. I'm hearing that the Universe says that when we get in the go, do, go mode and either

disregard or don't apply or - my favorite - don't wait for the timing of the guidance to occur - they think that's the same as trying to 

put your socks on, heel first. Which is impossible right and I'm talking about crew or ankle socks or longer. The little footie ones you could maybe put the heel on and stretch the

heck out of the rest of the sock. It would not work with my size 10 and a half double A feet, trust me. There's only one way into the sock and that's through the hole at the top 

because of how it's made and how human feet are made. They're literally made for each other to match the outlines of physical anatomy. We wouldn't dream of putting on socks any other way which, 

from the perspective of the Universe and the Angels, is the same as acting out of human 

experience based only on human experience and without the input of Energy and/or Universal guidance. Sure you could go barefoot they say and what happens when you do that? You end up with

feet that get cut and bruised and well, build up really hard calluses. Which may be useful, for these calluses, and at the same time, I'm thinking of the quote by Thich Nhat Hanh - walk as if your feet are

kissing the Earth. Hard to do with a soulful - pun intended - of calluses. Socks are meant to provide comfort, warmth, protection, and fun, right? I love love love a fun pattern on my socks and have a 

whole drawerful of cool ones, I'll never be unhappy with a gift of socks. That's the most unboring gift to me ever!  The same concept or visual holds true with gloves. They're meant to fit so closely to 

your actual fingers like socks do with your actual feet and you simply can't get them on, even with a zipper on one side. Or a zipper on all fingers. You still have to put your fingers in first and pull them

on over your palms and up to your wrists. The purpose of both gloves and socks 

is to make your hands and your feet more comfortable on planet Earth. What a brilliant analogy from the Angels right? It's almost like we're on Universal Jeopardy - I'll take clothes for $400

, Alex - what fits so closely to human experience on Earth, provides comfort and warmth when necessary as well as cushioning against whatever our hands and feet might come in contact with? 

Smack the heck out of those buzzers, people - it's Universal guidance and Energy in the form of Angels.  That's pretty much the way it is with energy we can choose when we need or want comfort, 

support, and security

with this unified duality design on planet Earth simply by visualizing socks and gloves. The very essence of the ordinary on Earth for humans. As the poet Mary Oliver says in her poem "Wild Geese"- 

You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees

for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body

love what it loves. There are no prayers needed for something to happen or something not to happen. There is only your own experience and how you want that to be in an affirmed statement of 

highest and best good at this point in time. This is so very cool and fun to consider because Angels have not had corporeal or physical form here on planet Earth. They are the literal definition

of pure Energy just as you are on a soul level so who else could be as close to you as your own Angelic posse? Oh and by the way, they would also add childbirth as another analogy, there's 

one way in and one way out. Once you enter the incarnate form on Earth, I'm seeing a bit of a bar code stamp of soul that appears as an indication of what's inside already. And who better to support soul 

path than the Angelic realm? Not just this planetary existence this one way in and one way out

I'm sensing, rather as you are Energy you choose to fill your experience with that rather than the other way around of filling your human experience with yet more human experience and reactions and

fear and and and. Seems like a sock-and-glove scenario, right? There's no separation of course, even between life and transition, and I think the Angels wanted to add a bit of comedy to 

 make you lol or at least giggle just a bit. Once you align your energy and human experience with the Energy and guidance already present, the creative part of what comes out is amazing, just like


Along with being expectant vs. expecting or expectations and I'm overemphasizing the whole childbirth analogy as that was added for emphasis by Angels, I would add to see any information 

coming from the Universe as guidance vs. answers. Oh, we are big so very big on our wanting answers. What does it all mean? What does it mean when I see an Eagle or an Ant or a Bat? We tend to 

rely on others for these interpretations as well as for Angelic interpretations. We desperately want to know am I on the right path. Am I doing the right thing? How can I find happiness? Will this

new job or person or thing bring me happiness and joy? Whatever this wanting an answer is, it can crowd out the incoming guidance that provides the very steps to find your happiness, your path, and your true purpose on Earth. Yes, you are an individual spark of Energy on this planet in a separate physical form so it makes sense that one size doesn't

fit all. And yet, the more you begin to speak in the language of Energy, and to see and hear and feel and smell and taste in the language of Energy, you will begin to experience such wonderful "aha"

moments and feel more inclusion than you can possibly imagine and maybe for the first time ever in your life. Where the word family and your experience of your biological one pales in comparison

with that of other Animals, Plants, Crystals experience of family to which you now have access. So that you begin to soften and realign your need to "belong" and to know with knowing that you have 

belonged from the very beginning of your time here on this planet and were only told by others that you didn't belong. And so that you can return to a home of yourself where every other 

being on the face of this planet also lives complete with a very tidy drawer of brilliantly colored socks and gloves ready to provide comfort, joy, and compassionate illumination for your daily human

experience on this very unique planet. At least, that's how the Angels and the Animals see it. 


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for upcoming events, the starting date of courses in The Animals' iView Academy, and online psychic fairs. The episodes of this podcast are available

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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.