The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Adoption Energy Ripples: Mind Those Waves

Lizanne Flynn Season 5 Episode 20

The movement of energy waves both before and after the adoption of a companion Animal can range from a babbling brook to class 5 whitewater rapids. Based on (to humans) unseen soul contracts, these ripples may seem like you've gotten what you saw or may make you say "Did I really ask for this?!" Roll the dice, take it as it comes, and be a good guardian of both human and Animal family members.

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Thanks for listening! the Animals say "Together we are One."

I'm Lizanne Flynn. I'm a master healer who holds space for any Earthling as they reunite body and soul in their planetary experience. I am a bridge for relationships between all species so that 

the heart bond becomes stronger, deeper, and more loving. I serve in the roles of animal communicator, medium, and medical intuitive, and I use the tools of shamanic journeying and soul retrieval 

to support all Earthlings in their recovery from past trauma. I'm certified as a Reiki Master Teacher and as a canine massage therapist. This is the Animals' iView podcast.

In looking back over my podcasts I wanted to be sure I wasn't repeating myself or the Animals with today's podcast of adoption. I found that I had done a couple in 2021 about the energetic resetting

process an Animal goes through when coming into a new household. And about how it just takes time for them to begin to show the true aspects of their personality and temperament after adoption.

It's a bit of you get what you see and be careful what you asked for combined, right? There may be past traumas for that Animal to work through based on soul path which they may have deliberately

chosen in their new family. Which may seem odd to us at first. We might ask - "So if they've had issues with men before why would they choose a home with only males in it?" Or, "We were told they

don't get along with younger dogs which is what we have yet everybody seems to be getting along so well!" Cue the settling-in period, maybe love at first sight where the younger dogs are concerned,

and in the first scenario with only males in the home, an awareness that in this lifetime this is an issue that is coming up for resolution. Both situations have soul paths and soul contracts underlying 

the "why" of this particular soul actively choosing these other souls. That's how it happens although to us it may seem like kismet or coincidence or unplanned in our experience and that's because

we aren't aware of the bigger picture of the overarching dimension of Energy, capital E on Earth. We're good with this third dimension, mostly, although things still happen here that we aren't sure

of the why and the Animals would say - "You're wasting your time with the why when you can simply be enjoying the what is." They have such a lovely deceptively simple perspective and I say

deceptively because at first glance we might think - "Surely there are other things to control, to be aware of, and to plan for." A resounding "nope" is what the Animals reply and of course, they have at

their disposal the past present, and future dimensions. Where past lives may come into play as well as future lives. The biggest caveat I think is that they don't separate good and bad from any

experience. It just simply IS for them in their experience which we have an issue with because humans generally want only the fluffy clouds, sunshine, and good times. "Not on this planet", the

Animals say - "go somewhere else to live out that fantasy." Ouch! And I think they have a point worth considering. 


There was another podcast about adopting that I also did in 2021, on whether to adopt an Animal from a shelter vs buying one from a breeder that blurred the difference between those two. 

Because that's not the question

really. It's a question of whether as a being in human Animal experience, are you ready to serve another being's highest and best good in their Animal experience. That likely touched on the fit into a

family unit of a being in Animal experience into an already existing and hopefully cohesive family. You know, not dissimilar to humans sometimes thinking, "Well, if we have a baby that will make our

relationship better, right?" we might also sometimes think "Well, Fido/Fluff seems bored and I'm gone at work for so many hours in a day, maybe they'll be less lonely and less destructive if I get 

another dog/cat for them to play with, right?" Or, "Fido and Rufus don't get along well together since we combined households last summer. Maybe another dog/cat would help them like each

other more." And maybe at the outset, you're thinking - "Oh gee! All of these scenarios have plus/minus to them, it could go really well and then again, it could go really wrong!" And you'd be right.

Because they are all good analogies for wanting to balance out what we humans mostly see as contrast with some light. Sure an adorable baby will fix everything which, as an analogy you might

think I'm mixing my metaphors and/or species yet it is still an addition of a whole other sentient being complete with their own baggage and soul path pretty much the same as another warm, 

loving, huggable dog/cat will fix the other contrasts of bored and destructive and not getting along well together. And let's not forget wanting to adopt a "replacement" Animal for a geriatric one who 

has already entered their window of transition. The same what-ifs would apply: they could feel misplaced if young Ms.or Mr. sprightly younger dog comes in with all of their energy when your queen

or king of the Animal household is already feeling some physical discomfort or emotional bandwidth narrowing that naturally occurs across species with the physical aging process. Then again, it

might be the elixir of youth that is exactly what your older companion Animal needs. Sure, you might have already thought and or exclaimed outright, "Well, Lizanne - I'd never think of replacing

Susie or Maxi and I'm offended you'd even suggest that!" This is what I've been told more times than not during a client session and yet don't forget that pesky language/dimension of Energy that

is either on or off and doesn't care what is present because it just simply is. Sound familiar? Meaning, that I'd likely already heard from Susie or Maxi that they are feeling replaced because of the timing of

the adoption and/or because you, dear human, are wanting to avoid the contrast or at least cushion the blow of the contrast of Susie and Maxi's fast approaching transition. You see how we roll, guys?!

We're usually looking for an escape pod from contrast in our experience and honestly, our Animals see through it every single time. They understand our feelings so much better than we do because

they don't ignore them. They can't ignore them because of Energy. It makes so much more sense to them to deal with it directly, ask questions, get it all out in the open even if everyone is feeling

vulnerable, and move on to a place where everyone feels better. In other words, adoption is a roll of the dice, no matter the species, and I still think the right relationship question is, "How will I

be serving the needs of those for whom I am guardian?" A guardian by name is so very different than the owner of a "kept" Animal. A guardian protects, guides, and serves not unlike a guardian angel.


One of my often used phrases when working with clients in terms of adopting a new companion Animal that maybe isn't working out so well with the Animals already in the home is: "What if your

partner came home one day with another human in tow and said "Look honey, I adopted a new wife/husband/wife/partner for us!! Isn't that great?! What do you think?! I just know you're going to be

the bestest of friends!" That usually gets the attention of the human guardian with a laugh, a moment of chagrin, and a pretty quick perspective reset of the Animals' point of view. Because honestly,

that's just what the Animals say is the perfect mirror to a human guardian's intention to adopt without talking about it with the whole family first. It'd be like human wives/husbands/or partners were

being offered at a 35% discount at Whole Foods or Amazon or Target and maybe in some places a two-for-one special. Yep, that's how we roll, right? We do that with adoption fees or with overcrowded

shelters in fact, that's how I ended up with Hunter and Lil D. Yes, they were supposedly bonded with each other since Lil D came into the shelter and Hunter was returned to the shelter. And yes, it

was during the pandemic, that I'd been without Animals for almost two years, and yes, I fostered first and then adopted both for the cost of one. I'd say without exception that we gladly pay the cost of 

the adoption fees knowing that they help support the livelihoods of the shelter staff and the supplies the shelter uses to keep Animals safe and healthy pending our adoption of them. And to be sure,

I'll throw myself under the bus - with my current Animals, I remember becoming emotional and saying out loud, "Why am I depriving myself of more love?" I think part of it had to do with the

transitions of my former cats, Kiki and Lacey, and Casbah before them as well as taking stock of where I was at on my path. Meaning I would likely outlive them so that's good and it wouldn't

place an undue burden on my sons to take care of them. So wanting both contrast and light to be in good balance with each other. 

And you know, all things considered, there's an adage that says there's no perfect time to have a baby. I can hear the chorus of guardians who might say "We love

giving Animals a home, we care for and honor each of them individually and know that our home is their home for as long as they're going to be with us." If that's how you are and because this needs

to be right relationship with your Animal companions they echo that, then I'd say Energy wouldn't have a disagreement with you. Because there's resonance and not dissonance. 

There's also no defined waiting period after

the transition of a companion Animal to adoption and you'll get no judgment from me in human experience. You might however get some fairly strong feedback or pushback from an Animal companion 

who is already a member of your family if there are some steps put into place first or shortly thereafter that make everyone's adjustment to a new family member the most balanced it can be.


Plus there's a reason why we call it adoption which by definition is: to take (someone or something) by choice into a relationship. A relationship with a sentient being of a different species. And we 

didn't even touch on all the other species today, just the furry ones. There are also the scaled ones, the feathered ones, the finned ones, etc. The more you can see yourself holding space for them as

well as for you because you are in charge of their lives as well as your own, the better. And so that when you think about having for instance two cats and two dogs once more after one of the four died,

you might look a bit deeper than having a matched set of two again. Because as sure as I mostly know how this Universe does its bus'ness, you're likely to get an entirely different personality than what

the three remaining Animals were used to the first time around. You're not being punished, it has everything to do with intention and the difference between "I intend to get another cat to go with the

one I already have" vs "I intend to get another cat for their highest and best good and mine". Don't leave you out of it, either. Because even if you say, Fido/Fluffy needs a sibling to help them not be so

destructive, you must come first in considering another being for which you will be responsible and for which you will also need to build a relationship. It's not equitable to place that burden of getting 

along or not on Fido/Fluffy or their destruction of the home due to boredom just as an aside. That's on you It's best to leave the band-aid approach to actual band-aids and skinned knees, I'm hearing, 

which has

got to be the Animals speaking in their relative forthright way. So before adoption, get clear about the why. If it's just to save another Animal, who are you to judge their soul path and that they're

better off with you? It must be more concrete than that to include: Why am I adopting this individual Animal? What do I have that they need? What do they have that I need? How will this affect my

Animal sub-family group as well as the human sub-family group, both being like a Venn diagram within each other with different needs and wants and places where they intersect? Is there anything that

I'm trying to avoid in adopting this individual Animal. What do I think will be added to our family by this adoption? What do I think will be subtracted from our family by this adoption? Energy has a 

most definite ripple effect so when you're increasing your Animal family members by 100%, you can anticipate that that same factor will ripple elsewhere in your life such as your finances, your

responsibilities, and the draw on your time. On the other side of the ledger, there's the same increase of more love, more compassion, more fun, more depth, and yes, more unseen FGOs - effing growth

opportunities - for everything. The more transparent you can be in your "why" and intention process the better it will be for every single member of your family. I would include talking to all of your

Animal companions just as you're listening now to my voice what you're considering. You'll know in short order if they're up for it or not and you'll likely know why if it's a no. If you're not sure, that's

why animal communicators such as Moi exist. So that you can get a much clearer picture of what your beloved Animal companion is thinking about adding to your family and you, as guardian and Animal

in charge will feel more confident and comfortable about proceeding. I'm also a big fan of adoption ceremonies as well as renaming ceremonies should they arise. Gathering everyone together and

making a big deal out of the newest family member while making sure that all of the existing Animal family members as well as human family members feel loved and cherished for their role in 

supporting the adjustment of the family overall. It could be that the heretofore youngest Animal might hear "Clifford, I'm so happy to see how you're sharing your toys with Gabbie and I know how you

feel about sharing your toys. I'm so proud of watching you grow and shift and help Gabbie understand how to share." Now, you all know that might be a bit tongue in cheek yet you'll also maybe agree

that keeping it positive is what it's all about. The same goes for spending time with each family member by themselves and all together as a group. We do such a disservice to Animals when we do 

not act in a congruent way with each of them. That's so important that they experience our time and energy in a neutral and balanced fashion, it goes a very long way in deepening their trust in you so

that any mini-turf battles they may have with each other will be minor. Because they know that you have everything - well most everything - well in hand and that allows them the freedom to disagree

which then helps them get out little irritations before they become major relationship obstacles. If you happened to have not talked with existing family members before bringing home another 

family member - say an extra wife or husband or partner or a dog/cat/iguana - I strongly encourage you to say this. "Hey, Nibbles. I see now where it would have been much better for you and 

Trilby, our new family member if I had talked with you before adopting her. I've learned a lot from that and I want you to know that it won't happen again. I'm so glad that you and I are together in

this lifetime to share with Trilby the love we have." You're not asking permission if you talk with your family before, you're seeking consensus. As any leader might. And like any good leader, when you

mess up, you accept responsibility and strive to do better for all members of your family group. That's what makes a family energetically cohesive, the Animals say. Everyone has a role to play and

for humans, it is without exception one described as a leader who's equitable, open-minded, forgiving, compassionate, and open-hearted. No pressure, right? At least, that's how the Animals see it.



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for upcoming events, the starting date of courses in The Animals' iView Academy, and online psychic fairs. The episodes of this podcast are available

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This has been the Animals' iView podcast - I'll see you next time.