The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Planetary Initiation: If You're Here, You're In.

Season 2 Episode 21

Initiations are a gateway of sorts. Between the old and the new, the once was and the is now and will be. They serve a deeper purpose of helping us to peel back our layers of experience in order to get to the kernel of who we really are on Earth. That being Ascended Masters along with all other life forms here and including Earth herself. One typically doesn't get a heads up on the initiation's beginning - it's more rather felt than seen. Because, of course, it's likely we as humans would refuse most of them! It's worthwhile to note that Earth is leaning into her own initiation and not refusing anything at all. As they're metaphorical (and at times literal) temporary deaths or transitions, their inherent power of transformation reigns supreme in our experiences. What's hidden, though, at times is because the energy of an initiation is of a between worlds kind, change can be markedly easier. All we have to do is step through the door that's been opened for us just as Earth has always done.

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