The Animals' iView with Lizanne Flynn

Message from Bird: The Shifting Paradigm of Avatar Unity

Lizanne Flynn Season 2 Episode 33

Avatar in this context meaning a deity having incarnated into animal or human experience. Which we all are, as are other Earthlings whether we like it (or them) or not! For just a moment and before I forgot I was in human experience and Chickadee was in bird experience, we just were. United with each other as co-avatars on this amazing planet, this almost weightless being showed me what is possible if we allow paradigms to shift away from belief systems and into a different place. One made of unity between beings and out of earthly experience. Because in addition to having visual acuity far beyond what any being in human experience has, Bird (as well as all other Animals) show us the way forward. Towards unity and with only one platform of divinity as co-avatars - together.

A footnote: To clarify my statement of religion causing wars, my opinion is that the politicization of religion is the fuel added to the already burning fire of "other" within the human species.

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